warning read first

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Gasping for breath, I clutched at the doorknob behind me, cursing inwardly when I realized that the locked knob wouldn't turn in my grasp. 'J-just let me go, please,' I pathetically begged, my legs feeling as if they'd give out any second from this stupid mating run that I'd been kidnapped for.

The tall, imposing werewolf gave a throaty chuckle as he crossed his buff arms in front of his bare, beefy chest. 'I can't do that, Pup,' he teased as he continued to stalk forward, the shadows shielding most of his face, but allowing me to see his square jaw that was covered in stubble. 'You're mine.'

I whimpered.

'Actually,' echoed a second voice, quickly followed by a second werewolf who entered from the forest shadows, 'he's mine too.'"

Sorry that I've been gone for a while!

Life has been busy, and I've been going to school and work at the same time. Hence, most of my free time is eaten up in a flash, unfortunately. However, I still write here and there. In fact, this is a story that I've been working on for a hot minute, trying to get everything down just as I like it. It does have some influences of my cancelled stories because I didn't want the ideas to die altogether, nor did I want to just rewrite the whole thing and essentially recycle something for you all (again).

This story is about Dallas, a teenage boy who is ignored at home and whose family runs a well-known family vlog. Now, real quick, in no way, shape, or form am I targeting any family blogger specifically. I understand that people need jobs and that blogging/vlogging can be legitimate professions that can help out families financially... I just hate family blogs because people exploit their kids' private lives sometimes without their permission for their own monetary gains. (What, who said that?)

Anyways, sorry about that tangent. Dallas is a sixteen year old who desperately tries to live up to his family's expectations, but he constantly feels like a failure. After the family moves to Germany, Dallas comes into contact with the local werewolf pack, but instead of having one werewolf alpha, claim him as his, two claim him.

I chose Germany because I had the opportunity to spend time there, and I loved every second of it (especially the food). That being said, I'm clearly American, and I only speak English and Spanish; I've forgotten a lot of the latter though, it's definitely a use-it-or-lose-it skill. Therefore, my German will be brought to you courtesy of Google Translate, haha! Plus, I've never done a poly-story before, but I can't deny that the idea of having two hunky, possessive werewolves wanting me is a hot idea.

Oh, and for fun, both of the werewolves cross into yandere territory.

Please enjoy!

*The chapter titles will be songs that I felt fit the mood of the section or that I was listening to a lot as I was writing it. Either way, I do not own the song nor the lyrics snippet. They're there simply for entertainment purposes.


There will be underage scenes, Sexual Content, kidnapping, dubious consent, Dangerous Situations, Profanity, and I'm sure there's other stuff that I forgot to mention... so be warned!

If you don't like the story, then please don't read/report.

If you do decide to continue, then please enjoy!

♡Guzmasboi ( Dizzy Spinda!)

Two possessive Werewolf Daddy's Where stories live. Discover now