The Ballad of Hamantha

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The Ballad of Hamantha” - Jack Stauber’s Micropop

Flowing hair, she was a cutie pie / Meaty face and a lovely eye / Her dream was to be a famous star / But at the rate she was goin’ / She wasn’t going far


Bonn is a city on the western side of Germany, situated along the Rhine River. It is full of historical sites and has a ton of places to visit and enjoy the day at. Fun fact, it was actually the capital of West Germany after WWII, before the country was unified and the capital changed back to Berlin… that’s pretty much all of the research that I’d managed to do before we flew out.

Regardless, the flight from Tampa Bay, Florida to Cologne, Germany, was approximately nine hours. Then we spent about one and half hours in customs, followed by a one hour drive to Bonn where my grandpa lives.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t very close with my grandpa. Obviously, geography could be to blame; however, we did talk online every so often. My mom was born in Germany and then had moved to the United States for school, which is where she’d met Dad, and then the rest was history. The few times when I would talk to Grandpa, I would talk to him about the usual grandchild topics:  school, how badly I wanted a pet, friends (I'd made them all up), and just general interests. Each and every time, though, he would smile back at me via the screen and nod encouragingly as I’d spoken.

There’s a small district on the outskirts of the city where a lot of older people own homes. My grandpa owns a large two-story home that is closer to Königswinter and the surrounding forest. So close, in fact, that the tree line of the forest was practically in the backyard of this nice-looking neighborhood where all the homes looked to be built out of the same exact colored brick.

“Fucking finally,” Dad groaned as he parked the rental car in the driveway. “I need sleep so damn bad.”

I really sided with him on that. I’d foolishly tried to stay awake on the drive because I’d wanted to take pictures of the European countryside… but I’d forgotten my phone charger all the way back in America! And I was too afraid of telling my parents because they were still miffed about the recording fiasco. I inwardly cursed at myself for my stupidity, desperately wishing that I was smarter. Then I wouldn’t have ruined the recording and I wouldn’t have forgotten my charger. If only…

We all made a move to exit the car when Mom stopped us, putting up her phone. “Hold on!” she snapped at us. “We need to film this real quick.”

London sighed and ran a hand through his thick hair. “What the fuck?” he groaned loudly. “I’m so damn tired. Can’t we just stage this tomorrow?”

Mom exhaled sharply and narrowed her eyes at the three of us in the rearview mirror. “I’m going to film here and there, and then I’ll just stitch the clips together later,” she explained. The stress of Grandpa being sick, mixed with having to move to a different continent must’ve put a lot of stress on her. Plus, she kinda is the primary bread winner with the family vlog, so legit the least I could do was shut up and participate.

I quickly looked in the mirror and attempted to fix my hair as best as I could by running my fingers through it, but all it did was make it look messier. The brown mess looked more akin to a haystack than an actual hairstyle. Maybe I should shave my head? My heart sped up as I worried about messing up this video too, so I just bit down hard on the inside of my cheek to keep silent. Still, I was semi-relieved that I remembered to pull my glasses off and tuck them into my hoodie pocket.

Dad eyed me from the side, and I saw his eyes roll atthe sight of my messy hair. He didn’t say anything though, but I was extremely grateful that I’m not telepathic because I’m sure his mind severely berated me.

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