Starry Eyed

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Starry Eyed” - Ellie Goulding

Handle bars / And then I let go, let go for anyone / Take me in / And throw out my heart and get a new one / Next thing we’re touching


The world is ending, point blank, and no exaggeration.

I’d been foolishly excited when I’d woken up this morning. I was in a brand new country, and I was going to attend a brand new school: the International High School in Bonn, which is where students go if they’re not fluent in German. It sounded perfect, and I knew that my parents had thought so as well. Like any other parent, they were looking forward to taking that “First Day at a New School!” Picture of my siblings and me before they dropped us off. School pictures are extremely popular, and they’d always garnered thousands of likes. Therefore, it was imperative that today’s photos are immaculate.

I’d done everything in my power to make sure that I did my part, putting in two hundred percent effort so that I won’t ruin something three times in a row. Hence, I’d woken up at 4:30 AM so that I could spend some extra time getting ready. In preparation, I did several jumping-jacks in my downstairs bedroom so that I could work up a sweat and lose any lingering water weight. Afterward, I laid out my school uniform and meticulously rubbed at it with a lint roller, getting rid of every single stray fiber. I’d even woken up Sofia (she’d growled at me for some reason— I hope she’s not sick) and had asked her where the ironing board was so that I could get the perfect crease into my slacks. Having skipped breakfast so as to avoid any bloating, I’d gone directly to apply my whitening strips on my teeth. They’d made my teeth super sensitive and hurt like crazy, but as soon as I’d pulled them off and brushed my teeth, I’d known that my pearly whites would be a highlight in my picture. After my shower, where I’d made sure to scrub my face three times, I’d gotten out and had gotten dressed into my school uniform. It consisted of tan slacks, a white button shirt with a black tie, and a burgundy sweater vest. I looked pretty nerdy wearing it, but whatever. With the extra time that I had, I’d gone back into the bathroom downstairs to perform any finishing touches, which was when I saw it: a zit.

“Son of a bitch!” I’d hissed under my breath as soon as my eyes honed in on the small red bump that was on my right cheek.

No matter how hard I’d tried and diligently I’d worked to make everything perfect, my oily, grubby skin had to go and ruin the entire day!

“Alles klar?” Sofia asked me as I slumped into the kitchen rather dramatically, even dragging my backpack on the floor behind me.

I just stared up at her blankly, seeing the concerned look in her yellow eyes, yet having no clue what she’d just said to me. She could’ve called me a “Bitch” for all I knew, and I would have to agree with her. It was indeed quite bitchy of me to go and ruin another item for our family vlog. I’d already been late for the farewell to Florida post, I’d been annoyingly quiet yesterday in the car announcing our arrival here to Bonn, and now I was going to ugly up the school photos.

On cue, my heart began to speed up and I couldn’t help but gnash my teeth in irritation over how stupid I was. Damn it, I should’ve been stricter with my skin care routine, or I should’ve listened to Paris more whenever she’d droned on about makeup techniques for men. Oh man, what I wouldn’t give to have a time machine. Mom and Dad are going to be so pissed.

“Hey,” Sofia gently said as she walked forward and put a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Are you nervous about going to a new school? I’m sure you’ll do well.”

I really didn’t want to complain, especially since doing so ruins the happy family façade that Mom was insistent we all keep up because she’d spent years developing it. Therefore, I just silently nodded. “Y-yeah,” I mumbled, my voice hoarse, “you’re right. Sorry.”

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