Chapter 6

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"M.. Myoui Miyu-" The man in white suit choked out as he laughed nervously and clenched his hands together- the same hands he was about to use to beat me a lesson. Obviously did this woman have some real power on her hands for only her whistle was able to silence a whole crowd of hundreds of people.

He stumbled over towards the woman who looked down at him with a belittling face, seeing nothing but a pawn in her line of sight.

She stood there with her arms crossed, judging the scene before her with fierce eyes. She probably found it pathetic that people would cross the line of beating someone up just because of their loss.

I was mesmerized by her beauty and aura, feeling like I've seen her before in my life.

Those deep auburn eyes met my own and for a millisecond did I see the expression within them change from their previous cut-throat presence to one that was absolutely flabbergasted.

Even though the contact we held from just a glance that lasted no more than a few seconds, we exchanged words that no one could notice or read.

A miserable laugh was heard, "Of course I wouldn't have argued with Miss Hirai, she won fair and square after all." The sweat was visible on the back of his neck all because of this woman, "I just wanted to fool around a little.. you know how I am, Miyu."

The blonde man kept laughing as if it all was a joke, as if the woman before him wasn't to be taken seriously when in reality she could have him executed right then and there with a single snap of her fingers.

That's the kind of power she held in here.

"Yu-Lung, I've known you for too many years to know all of your pathetic little games and lies." She spoke with an indifferent tone, her eyes making you feel as cold as ice with a single glance. "Do not try to fool me, because you know you'll be the black sheep in this place once more."

Yu-Lung looked at the ground in defeat, knowing that she was right.

He couldn't compare to her, no matter how many gambles he might've won- this Myoui had his life hanging by a thread, even if you couldn't see it.

And anything she said, could and would happen- we were in Myoui territory, either way.

I could see the embarrassment he felt from behind his back, seeing how his head was lowered and his hands were dangling against his sides.

Then the clacking of those heels started again, slowly but strong.

"Miss Hirai, congratulations on your win. Two billion yen isn't a prize that we hear of often, and to see a new costumer take that reward with them is an extraordinary sight for sure." Miyu spoke with a soft but sultry voice, coming closer with every step she took.

Everything about her was elegant, from the way her hair moved to how the blood-red dress she wore swayed against her body- this woman was of high-class, with her skin seemingly being made of porcelain.

What topped her off as a whole were the moles that complimented every feature on her face.

This woman for sure was a Myoui.

I was so deep into my thoughts that I hadn't noticed that she was walking right behind me, her hand caressing my smooth black hair. She took a whiff of it and grinned, brushing the back of her hand against my neck.

A single kiss was left on the back of my neck when she moved my hair to the side, "You had me intrigued the first second I laid my eyes on you," Her breath felt against the shell of my ear. "And I knew exactly who you were just from the look in your eyes."

A hand had trailed its way from my abdomen all the way to my chest until it took a harsh hold of my face, turning my head into the direction where Miyu was standing behind me.

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