Chapter 11

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It wasn't even 6 AM before I had woken up and got completely dressed in clothes that would disguise my complete identity, because I was planning to break the only rule that Miyu had told me:

To not leave the sight of the Myouis.

But my desire to know more about everything in this place and the family I'm staying with grew bigger and bigger every hour, it was only a matter of time before I took matters into my own hands and walked away from that what I was told to do.

Miyu was still asleep, sleeping on the futon that was next to my bed. 

I just hoped she didn't wake up any time soon.

With my hood on, did I walk out of my apartment and take the stairs to avoid too much noise from the elevator moving around and opening and closing.

It took me a good 5 minutes to walk all the way down and escape through a door that had the sign 'EXIT' glowing above it. I was back on the streets all by myself once more.

But this time did I know more about my whereabouts and where I could go, for I had gotten information myself about where the Song gambling clubs were and even their main hideout. Although I knew better than to go to their boss straight away, because I truly still didn't know who to trust in this place.

Even if I was suspicious of Miyu, was it possible that my mind was playing tricks on me and that all she had told me was true. 

I just hoped she was lying, or else this whole plan was for nothing and I'd come back to her to see her disappointing face looking down at me as I apologize a hundred times over for my stupid antics. 

If Song was indeed out to kidnap me and trying to get money out of me from Mina's family, I'd be done for. Knowing how Miyu went around with people, I could imagine that the Songs weren't much different from that.

My feet took me into the still crowded streets, with the sky still as dark as ink and the moon high up to provide at least some natural light.

People were already drinking alcohol and smoking weed at this early hour, not caring for anybody that walked past them and might've been bothered by the smell of it all.

Even I wouldn't care what others thought of me in this place since everybody was equal either way in someway- we all committed sins and therefore paid for it by being stuck in this place. 

Without paying much mind to anyone in these streets did I manage to make a rather peaceful walk all the way to the location of the gambling club.

The atmosphere was so different than from the Myouis Den.

People weren't rubbing up on each other, nor were they drinking booze every second.

Instead, everyone was having fun and generally having a good time.

It smelled of food and a slight hint of flowers, and it actually looked and seemed to be a restaurant.

But behind the crystal bead curtains, I could see the gambling that was going on. The noise wasn't as loud as it was at the rival party, being met with jazzy music instead of the up-tempo one that I was bombarded with at Myoui.

"Hello miss, have you reserved a table for today or are you interested in any of our gambling games?" A kind man came up to me as he looked me in the eyes, trying to see whether or not I had anything up my sleeve.

"I'm here to ask about the Myouis to one of the Songs, if one is available in this building?" I whispered to the man.

He raised his eyebrow for a quick second before he nodded and went his way with me following behind him.

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