Chapter one

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Monte Carlo, Monaco
26th May, 2019
2:50 pm.


"Alright, Charles. The race starts in five, so you can begin to drive out on the grid. There will come some of the mechanics to follow you out." The radio cuts off and I slowly push the speeder. A mechanic waves me out on the grid. I stop the car when I reached my spot on the grid. I was in p1. I had a bad feeling about this race, earlier I ran into Lola, and I can't stand her, she literally fell over me while I was doing push-ups. She didn't say sorry or anything, she just snorted and had a smirk on her face.

3 minutes till the race starts

Carlos tried to get me on a date again with his sister. I haven't told Carlos my best friend, teammate, and also Lola's big brother, that I hate her. He always tries to get us out on a date. I just can't get myself to ask her. She is just so rude. But she's kinda hot. "She's kinda hot. No. Charles focus. You hate her. She hates you."

10 seconds till the race starts

"Focus. I am speed." I think to myself quoting McQueen from the movie Cars. "It's lights out and away we go." "We have high hopes for Charles Leclerc driving at his home race," says the narrator. I didn't have high hopes for myself. My girlfriend and I just broke up, and I was still angry about what she did.

The whole race I can't stop thinking about her... and Lola. God, she was hot. "Charles stop yourself"

"Charles and Lewis are now battling for p1, it looks like Charles is taking the lead. And he did Charles is now in the lead with Lewis Hamilton just behind. it looks like Lewis is pushing Charles to drive faster."

I began to slow down because the hairpin turn was next. In the rearview mirrors, I see that Lewis isn't slowing down. I just think that he will slow down a bit, but he doesn't slow down. I look on the road and a couple of seconds later, everything turns black.

"Fuck!" I almost scream because of Lewis' stupidity. "Charles it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." Frédéric Vasseur, the team manager, tries to calm me down. "Stupid son of a bitch!" I keep cursing and yelling. "Charles calm down now! It's not good for your health. You need to get out of the car immediately. There's a high risk of the car being in flames soon." I slowly get out of the car, still cursing a lot. I pull my gloves off and throw them to the ground. And as one of the engineers told me, the car was in flames after a few minutes.

30 minutes later

I walk into the Ferrari garage. I see Lola leaning against the wall with a huge smirk on her face. I hold my hand up so I don't look at her. "I'm not going to deal with you right you right now. Get out of my face." I say to Lola. "Why? I can be where I want to be and I can do what I want to do. And right now I want to annoy you." Her snarky comeback makes me even more annoyed. "Get lost, Lola." "No thank you. I'd rather stay here." She says back. My jaw flexes. She looked so hot. Tight short jean shorts, white cropped top. God, I wanted to rip those clothes off of her and fuck her till she couldn't talk back at me anymore. I walk away from her. If I stayed there a little longer I would actually rip those tiny shorts off and fuck her.


Author's note.

The next part will be published 1. September 2023, 11:00 am.

Hope you liked the first chapter <3

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