Chapter three

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Valletta, Malta
7th June, 2019
11:00 am.


We arrive at Valletta airport safely. When I walk out of my private jet I get hit with the smell of salt and the feeling of heat, but also the sounds of Lola complaining about the heat.

Even though Malta is only a bit more southern than Monaco it's still so much more hot here. It's like being in a greenhouse in 50 degrees celsius weather.

"Can we just get to the hotel now?" Lola says. I don't even wanna answer her. She has been a pain in the ass since we left Monte Carlo less than two hours ago. Carlos tries to calm her down and tell he that we'll leave in just a bit.

On the long, and hot, drive to the hotel Lola keeps complaining about the heat. "Can you just shut up now?" I ask her.
"Shut the fuck up yourself!" She almost yells.
"Guys!" Carlos says while looking at us with an angry expression. Lola looks away. "What a drama queen." I think to myself. But oh god she's hot when she's mad.

"We have to share the SAME room?! You've got to be kidding!" Lola says to the receptionist at the hotel. There had been some screw up, so Lola and I had to share the same the same room. "There are two bedrooms and bathrooms in the room. So you don't have to share." The receptionist tries to calm Lola down. Luckily it helped.

But the calmed down Lola wasn't as calmed down when we walked inside the hotel room. "Joder. ¡¿Qué es esta mierda?!" She curses in Spanish. There wasn't two bedrooms and bathrooms, there was one bedroom with one twin sized bed and one bathroom. "What the fuck! I'm not going to share a bed with you." I am so angry at this hotel, why can't they give us what we ordered?
"I guess you have to." She laughs devilish. "You literally can't be happy about this."

It was wayyy too fun to mock Lola all day with the one-bed-situation. She was so mad all day.

Everyone was just laying by the pool all day.
"Can we go eat I am starving." Lola says with an irritated tone. She looks over at her brother with puppy eyes. Her gaze meets mine and we get eye contact. We keep the eye contact for some time and then she quickly looks embarrassed away. "I guess we can." Carlos says and get up from the lounge chair.

I wait to get up until Lola is already up so I can walk behind her. I get up on the side of her and places my hand on her lower back. She immediately starts blushing. "What are you doing, Charles?" She whispers in my ear so that Carlos and Isabel don't hear us. I don't respond to her question and keeps my hand on her back. She doesn't remove my hand so I guess she likes it.

We go up to our room and get cleaned up for dinner. I quickly wash the sweat off of my face and put a linen shirt and some black shorts on.

I accidentally walk in on Lola changing from her bikini to a dress. I just stand there in the door way and look at her pretty sun kissed body. She turns around and face me. "Do I have stalker now?" She says teasingly. She looks at me with a weird expression. "Uh... Ye- No!" Fuck me. What the heck are you doing Charles. Lola looks at me and giggles. She was wearing the prettiest white summer dress. She was even more beautiful with that on. Charles stop yourself. She hates you and you hate her.

We get to the restaurant and get seated. The view from our table just got even more incredible when Lola get seated. "It looks incredible here." Isabel says while looking out over the horizon. We order our food and drinks. 20 minutes pass with just chatting and suddenly our food is here. Everyone was eating in silence. I placed my hand on Lola's thigh. She immediately started blushing but she didn't remove my hand. Isabel asked her why she wasn't in the F1 academy since she loved Formula 1 so much.

Before we had dessert Lola was scribbling on some paper. I couldn't see what she was writing. She gave me the note under the table. The note said: "Meet me in the restroom. Xo Lola." What was she now trying to do? And why would she write 'Xo Lola'? Lola stood up from her chair and said. "I need to use the restroom, I'll be back soon." She quickly walked over to the door to the restroom. "Uhh yeah me too." I said it nervously and almost ran to the restroom. Why was I nervous? She couldn't do anything to me.

When I get to the restroom I see her standing with bar back facing the door. I grab her arm to turn her around. She looked at me stunned. "I didn't think you would show up!"
"What do you want, Lola?" I say. "I..." Lola couldn't get the words to form. "I like you. No! I can't like you! You're my brothers bestfrie-" I put my hand on her mouth. "Shh. Don't say that. You can like me." I say to her. She removes my hand and storms back in the restaurant.

Author's note
Sorry that this part is published a bit delayed than what I wrote in the last part.
I don't really know if there is going to be a part tomorrow since I'm going to meet some family.

Hope you liked this part <3

Speed and Secrets // Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now