Chapter two

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Monte Carlo, Monaco
30th may, 2019
1:00 pm.


"You, Charles, Isabel and me are going to Malta for two weeks." Carlos tells me. "I-" Carlos interrupt me. "You can't cancel. All four of us are going. Together. I know you can't stand Charles. And this trip wasn't planned by me. It was Charles who wanted us to go there." I can't spend two weeks together with the person I hate the most. "Why can't Charles girlfriend or something go instead of me?" Like why?? God I hate this stupid trip, but the thoughts of Charles' abs glistening with sweat- "Lola stop yourself." I hate Charles, that's what I do. Hate nothing else. " They broke up last month, Lola. Do you literally think Charles would bring his ex girlfriend. Dummy." Carlos answer while he messes my hair up. "Yeah I forgot about that."

A week later

I'm packing my suitcase for the Malta trip. I don't know what to pack or anything, so I just throw some clothes and bikinis in the suitcase. "Ughhh!" I almost start crying because of the whole situation with the trip and packing for the trip. "Why so mad, Sunshine?" Charles asks while he leans against the door. "Shut up and leave, okay." I can't deal with him right now but the way he leans against the doorframe. GOD! "Lola stop yourself before you do anything wrong."  I keep throwing stuff in my suitcase.

"No. I'm not gonna leave until you answer me." I can't cope with him anymore. "First off: Do not call me Sunshine. Second: I'm not mad I'm just..." What's that word. "Frustrated? Hating your life because you have to spend two weeks with me?" The last on especially. "It's just I don't know what to pack and also the last thing you just said." Why does he have to be so annoying but hot at the same time?? "Oh so you're hating your life because of me? I thought we were besties." Charles says ironically. "Besties!" I laugh. "Never." I add. "Can you just leave? I have to pack and we're going to Malta tomorrow and I can't deal with you right now." Charles walk closer to me. He lifts my chin up. "You won't regret going to Malta with me." He says. "I will definitely regret it."

After a couple of hours of packing I finally got everything packed and ready for tomorrow's nightmare; going on vacation with Charles Leclerc.


Author's note

Next part will be published tomorrow (2. September 2023) at 11:00 am.

Hope you liked the chapter <3

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