Chapter 4

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"Long night, my lady?"

"What?" Rowena said.

"I know Mr. Silva's dancing lessons are boring, but to make you yawn like that..." Prince Rúben chuckled.

"I just didn't sleep well."

"Did you spend the night thinking about how to run away again? Or you couldn't sleep because you were thinking about me?" he smirked.

"You are so funny, my prince" she replied, rolling her eyes.

"My prince... it sounds so nice on those lips of yours" he said, leaning forward.

"Prince Rúben, Lady Rice!" Mr. Silva called. "Your turn."

"Our turn" he sighed, moving away from her.

"Yes, our turn" Rowena whispered, trying to compose herself. What had just happened? Why had she just frozen in place after he got that close, after he looked at her like he was about to...

"Lady Rice! Are you with us?"

"Yes, sorry Mr. Silva" she apologized, following the prince to the middle of the room.

"The first dance as a married couple is the most important one. It must be perfect, and you two are far from that. Start!" he said as he clapped his hands, the music starting to play.

"I think he's wrong."

"Uh?" Rowena said, letting the prince guide her while they danced.

"I think our dance looks perfect. You are a great dancer, you know?"

"You aren't bad either" she replied as he made her spin.

"Was that a compliment, Lady Rice?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't... get used to it" she said after yawning once again.

"We should go somewhere else. Do something fun. If we keep dancing, I fear you may fall asleep in my arms." Which is something she could actually see herself doing. Despite being the size of her head, they looked quite comfortable. "Alright, I have an idea. Faint."


"You'll fake that you are fainting because you are too nervous due to the wedding being so close, and I'll excuse us saying that I'm taking you to your room."

"And then what?"

"Then... I don't know. We'll think of something fun to do" he shrugged. "Are you ready? We'll do it when I spin you again. One, two..."

"Wait, no..."

"Mr. Silva!" Prince Rúben called. "Mr. Silva, Lady Rice has fainted!"

"Oh, no!" Rowena heard Anne say, running towards them. "Is she alright?"

"She said she didn't feel well, and then..."

"Women" Mr. Silva scoffed. "They call them the weak sex for a reason."

"I'm taking her to her room so she can rest" the prince said, quickly taking Rowena in his arms before she could stop faking and show Mr. Silva how weak she was.

"You can put me down now" she said once they had left the ballroom.

"Aren't you comfortable there?" he smiled.

"No" she lied. She was very comfortable. More comfortable than she expected. "Put me down. Now."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll hit you with one of my shoes. Again."

"That was just luck and that you caught me off guard."

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