Chapter 28

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"Rúben, can you please stop fidgeting?"

"I am about to meet your parents, Rowena."

"And?" she chuckled.

"What if they don't like me?"

"They will, don't worry. Now stop moving, you are making me nervous."

"I'm sorry" Rúben sighed. "How do I look?"


"Do I look good? Presentable?"

"You look like you always do. Disgustingly ugly."

"Rowena..." he said, rolling his eyes.

"What?" she asked again.

"Stop teasing me."

"I wasn't teasing you" she shrugged, trying to hide her smile.

"Rowena..." Rúben repeated.

"You look as handsome as ever, my prince. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"It was. Thank you, cupcake" he said, kissing her cheek.

"You better not call me that in front of them."

"Why not?"


"Yes, cupcake?" he smiled. Now he was the one teasing her.

"Oh, they are here!" Anne said, interrupting them.

"You've been warned" Rowena whispered.

"Or what?"

"Two words. Pillow wall" she said, making him laugh.

"Alrigh, I'll stop. But why are you looking at me like that?"

"I had missed hearing you laugh."

"And I had missed seeing you smile like that too" he replied.

"Anne!" the queen said, making Rowena and Rúben stop looking at each other like two idiots. Two idiots in love. "Oh, Anne, my child!" she said while hugging her.

"I'm not a child anymore, mother" she chuckled.

"I can tell" she laughed. "How come you haven't exploded yet?"

"We were waiting for you."

"Aww" the queen said, hugging her again. "And this must be your husband. Prince Diogo."

"Your majesty" he said as he bowed.

"You weren't lying on your letters. He is a handsome one."

"Mother!" Anne said.

"What? It isn't a lie, is it? And he does have pretty eyes too. Congratulations, Anne."

"I... You..." she mumbled, her cheeks a dark shade of pink.

"It's alright" Diogo chuckled.

"Oh, Rowena!" the queen said, now hugging her. "Look at you, you look beautiful!"

"Thank you, your majesty."

"And this is... is this him?" she asked, looking from Rúben to Anne and then back at him.

"Yes, mother. It's him."

"They are huge!" she laughed.

"They?" Rowena asked with a confused look.

"His arms!" the queen laughed again. "May I touch them?"

"Mother!" Anne said, her eyes going wide.

"May I, Rowena? Will it be alright?"

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