Chapter 11

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"It's so nice to see you again, Lady Rowena."

"You too, my lord."

"And look at you, you are smiling! Such a difference from your wedding day!" Rúben's uncle said.

"Well, she was marrying a stranger. But looks like he has now won her heart, hasn't he?" his aunt asked.


"Aunt, uncle!" Rúben said, joining the conversation. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course! We couldn't miss your birthday, could we?"

Rúben's friends and family members had started to arrive at the summer palace ready to celebrate his birthday, and for the past couple of days, Rowena had spent most of her time welcoming people and hearing the same thing: how happy she looked.

And she was happy. She was thoroughly enjoying her time at the summer palace, already used to all the new traditions, and she had made some good friends. Even her relationship with Rúben had changed.

They still were constantly bickering and teasing the other, but something was different. Instead of eyes rolling followed by angry silences, they would find themselves trying not to smile and then continue with their conversation or whatever they were doing. It was just like what her parents always did.

"Are you and Diogo ready for this year's game?" Rúben's uncle asked. "The boys have been training daily."

"Game? What game?" Rowena asked.

"Each year for my birthday we play a football game. Lords against servants. We started when Diogo and I were kids, and we've kept doing it, it's become a tradition" Rúben explained.

"Why didn't you tell me you played football?"

"You never asked" he shrugged.

"Are you familiar with the sport, my lady?" his aunt asked.

"Both my parents love it and they taught my sisters and I how to play the moment we were able to walk."

"Then you should join the boys!" Rúben's uncle said.

"I don't think that's a good idea" he replied.

"Why not? Because I am a woman?"

"You know it isn't because of that."

"Then what? Afraid I may be better than you?" Rowena smiled.

"You probably are better than me, yes" he chuckled. "I just worry you may hurt yourself. My cousins take this very seriously and they don't like losing."

"I'll be fine, Rúben. You know I can take care of myself."

"Yes, you can" he smirked.

"Then you should let her play!"

"She doesn't need my permission, uncle. I'm her husband, not her owner."

"Thank you" Rowena said, feeling her cheeks get warm.

"Well, then it's settled. Looking forward to seeing you play, my lady. The boys' team needs some fresh blood."

"Oh, I'm not planning on playing with them, my lord."

"What?" Rúben's uncle said.

"I'm playing with the servants."


"I can't believe you chose to play with the servants" Anne said while Rowena stretched.

"Why not?"

"You are a princess! And you will be playing against your husband, who happens to be the birthday boy. What if you win?"

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