Chapter 5

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"Tomorrow is the big day, girls. How are you feeling?" the Queen asked.

"I am so nervous, your majesty" Anne replied. "But also really excited about my future with Prince Diogo."

"What about you, Lady Rice? Are you excited to marry Rúben?"

"I... I'm..." Rowena didn't know how she felt. Most conversations with the prince consisted of bickering, eye rolling, and her wanting to punch him in the face or just hit him with something. But there were also moments where he was actually nice with her and where they connected, like had happened with the cupcakes or at the stables. And it was too confusing.

"She's speechless" Anne chuckled.

"A valid feeling" the Queen smiled. "But tell me... Are you ready for everything? Not only for the ceremony and the party. For what comes after too."

"You mean... the wedding night?" Anne whispered.

"Exactly, my dear. You know how it goes, right?"

"Lady Rice explained it to us. Didn't she, Rowena?"

"She did, yes" she replied. How to forget the most awkward conversation she had ever had with her mother.

"Good, good. I've also spoken with the boys, asked them to be patient and kind with you."

"That's very nice of you, your majesty. Thank you" Anne said.

"As their mother, it is the least I could do. Though I wish I could do more and not have you going through that moment while there are people watching" she said, taking Anne's hand on hers. Since she was marrying the heir to the throne, their consummation had to be witnessed.

"We'll be fine, your majesty. We'll focus on each other and nothing else" Anne smiled.

"You Rowena will be more lucky."


"You and Rúben won't have this pressure. You'll have the whole night for yourselves" the Queen said.

"Oh, yes. We... Umm... I'm going to pour myself some more wine. Would you like some too?"

"We are fine, my dear. But thank you" the Queen said, going back to her conversation with Anne while Rowena focused on her drink, hoping that it would calm her down a bit and make her think of something that wasn't her wedding night with the prince.


"This is it. There is no going back now" Prince Rúben whispered.

"I can still run away while everyone is looking at Anne and Prince Diogo say their vows" Rowena whispered back.

"You actually could, yes" he chuckled. "But I don't think you will."

"Why not?"

"You love Princess Anne, she is your best friend. You would never ruin such an important and happy moment for her." And he wasn't wrong. She could never do that to Anne. Unlike her, she had fallen head over heels for Prince Diogo, and it looked like the same had happened to him. They were in love, and she could never ruin their happiness like that.

"Guess I'll have to wait until the banquet" Rowena sighed.

"Would like to see you trying" he smirked.

"My Prince, my lady. Your turn" the priest said, not allowing Rowena to give him a reply.

It was time. This was it. The end of her freedom.


"You still haven't run away."

"Just waiting for the right moment" Rowena said while Rúben made her spin. She had to get used to calling him that, he was her husband now.

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