Chapter 4

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Turning onto the street, they saw officers placing a perimeter. One was instructing civilians while another spoke to medical personnel. Cassidy slid out of the passenger side door before Maxlie had put it in park. She walked briskly toward the first officer.

"Sorry ma'am, this is a closed crime scene." The man held up his hand in a halt motion. He gave a glance toward her ears, a frown pulling at the corner of his lips. He placed a hand on his belt, fingers threateningly close to his firearm.

"Detective Cassidy Esher. I'm working this case in conjunction with the city police." She presented her badge to him, unsurprised by the officer's reaction. She added when Maxlie caught up, "This is detective Maxlie Collins, my associate."

The officer nodded, his face reddening as he removed his hand from his side, lifting the tape. They slipped under the police tape, Maxlie sending a sharp look toward the officer, fully aware of his movements even though she hadn't heard their conversation.

They approached Chief Samuels who was standing at the front of the building, signaling them over. "Female, matches the others. She's got lacerations all over, but the final blow was four stab wounds to the chest." He announced when they reached him.

"Four? That's a bit excessive for our guy." Maxlie cocked an eyebrow at the news.

Samuels shook his head slightly, looking down momentarily before returning his gaze back to the other two. "That's what I thought too. But I'll let you take a look for yourself. And fair warning..." Samuels hesitated, eyeing Cassidy up and down, frown deepening."This one's a bit different." When neither of the detectives said anything, Samuels stepped out of the way to let Cassidy and Maxlie enter the house.

Cassidy led the way, followed closely by Maxlie. As she entered, Maxlie glanced around the scene, taking note of the disheveled area. "There's a lot of destruction, think she fought back?"

"Hard to say." Cassidy eyed the area as she creeped forward. "I think a lot of it was there prior to the attack." Cassidy added after seeing the confused expression on Maxlie's face "Let's take a look at her first, then we can talk about the rest of this." She tilted her head toward the body that lay just in front of them.

Any words that Cassidy may have been about to say, were lost. Her eyes were locked on the body in front of her, narrowing as she studied each detail. Maxlie let out an audible gasp when she stopped beside Cassidy.

Hair littered the floor, leaving the only ones attached to her head a few inches long, just like the other victims. However, this time she had something carved into her forehead. It was two open triangles, pointing outwards. Cassidy's ear flicked at the thought of the cuts looking eerily similar to them. When she took in the area around the woman, she noticed the similarities did not stop with the carved ears.

On the wall in the woman's blood was a hastily drawn set of wings. They were not feathery like an angel or a bird. They looked evil, more sinister, like her own. She took in a slow inhale, trying to calm her nerves. A hand sat on her shoulder, almost causing her to jump.

She eased when the words were familiar. "Are you okay? I mean, it's just so... weird." Maxlie's voice was soft as she spoke. Trying to keep her own emotions in check as she studied her partner.

Cassidy took another breath and nodded, careful to not look directly at Maxlie. Maxlie however, took this as a sign of numbness. Years of oppression had worn Cassidy down. While she had made many improvements in the last few years, emotions were something she still struggled with. Maxlie let her hand rest on Cassidy's shoulder for a moment more, giving an encouraging nod.

Both detectives pulled on a pair of gloves, ready to dissect the scene. Careful not to move anything, Maxlie took note of the condition the body was in. She had her little notepad Cassidy gave her when she first joined the force, resting it on her knee as she scribbled.

Cassidy kept her voice steady, sounding stale as she described what she saw. "Small lacerations on the left thigh, potentially from a struggle. Defensive wounds on her hands and forearms. Cuts lining her face, gouged out eye."

"Damn. That's brutal." Maxlie looked up from her notes, checking out the right eye socket for herself. "Hey, Cas. Could you shine your light on her face?" Maxlie's features were scrunched in concentration.

Cassidy pulled her pocket flashlight out of her coat, flicking it on. She was about to ask Maxlie what she saw before her eyes caught the glisten within the eye socket. "We need Chief Samuels."

Maxlie hopped off the ground, before she was even standing all the way, she was shouting for him. He had been just around the corner waiting outside, so he heard her echo before she reached the end of the room.

"I told you it was different." His features were solemn as he trekked to Cassidy's location, Maxlie already returning to her spot.

"Unfortunately, it's a bit more than the looks." Cassidy raised her free hand, pointing a finger at the eye socket that contained the foreign object.

Samuels bent down, squinting his eyes as he looked. "Here." He handed a pair of forceps to Cassidy, taking the flashlight from her.

She nodded her thanks, lifting her hand to grab whatever invaded the woman's eye. A light clink sounded as she got ahold of it, dislodging it out slowly. The suction made a squelching sound as it slid out of the flesh. Cassidy turned the forceps in hand, the cylinder turning with it.

They all eyed it curiously until Cassidy placed it in her hand. She slid her thumb along the edge until it caught on the lid. A pop filled the silence between them. Peering into the now open tube, Cassidy squinted, examining the contents. She used the forceps once more to pull a small piece of paper from the tube.

Maxlie held up an evidence bag, letting the cylinder drop into it. Cassidy gave the forceps back to Samuels and unfolded the paper. Cassidy's breath caught momentarily as she stared at the words in front of her.

No longer able to take the silence, Maxlie blurted "What is it?"

Cassidy looked up, catching Maxlie's wide eyes. "It's a message from our killer." Cassidy didn't know what else to say, words swirling in her head.

"Who's it for?" Maxlie furrowed her brows, confused by the vague answer.

Her gaze held Maxlie's, throat drying as she processed what was written. Cassidy only managed to let out one soft word, "Me."

Unwanted Wings: Detective AUWhere stories live. Discover now