training 2

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Tulsa  pov   I can do this. Father, u want  to train  , " At least u don't  complain. Well, u wanted me to train  u, so that's  what I am doing now, so  alright, u wanna  give up there. You're nothing  free  u have to  fight  for it. u sayin  u come from me, so I don't  want to get left  behind  Father, that's  what I like to hear now spite  cannon  mm I tough  on u I want u to be proud  if being a sayin  where your  pride  sorry  u right   Father  been drilling  it my head  no u can't  go wit karrot  he has to find his own way  even know I don't  like it at all  but what can u do right  don't  worry about  him u focus  on  this alright  am ready alright   good u getting  there  well I see u two training  be careful  alright   oh hey mom  I see u training  her huh  we can't  shock off u know  that but it won't  be enough  to fight  frieza  I keep hearing about  this frieza  guy welll he the reason  there  only a few of us left  where did big brother  go anyway  wit that blue earthling  girl probably  kicking  butt n taking  names  he strong  Bardock  would  u stop already  u soft  gine   well we wasn't  that strong  if gohan  could  knock  us on our  butts  that's  enough  training  for today  yeah am tried  anyway  but torrow  we  Bardock  u already  strong   yeah I guess  u right  whatever  well thats  Father  for u.

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