the legend of a dragon

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Bardock pov   signed. Hey, wake up, we have to get going oh sorry  flying Nimbus,  sign  why we stopped  again. I'm kinda hungry, welll I guess, tch, hey, give it back, karrot  East, lose track  of time  where we are going. Wait, something  here, I can small it, ahhh , not bad  hey u u two that's  not toy great am talking  to mokey  now well I have  the same thing as u  huh wake up  meanwhile  colonel  sliver  is boxing  wit another  fighters  well the legendary  dragon ball  legend had it  it use to one until  the fought  over  it the gods fought  over  upset  it spite unto saven  obbs  are created  hey walk up it looks  the dragon balls   huh alright  u telling  me that monkey  has have it burn u would  do no such thing these guys  have nothing  to u anyway  do u know who I am no not really  u look  like weaking  to me  get me this part of your  training alright  bring   it on asshole   to slow  power pole exited  its one of there tanks smash  it  ahhh   u the one who attacked  chichi  father  u think defend  me il u do nothing  if u do il break every  bone  in your body I don't  take  kindly  a   weaking  like u  making treats  u n I both  know  u can't  deliver  on  oh no the mokey   I gotcha  crap the  dragon balls  fell  in the  river  we get them  they wasn't  your  dragon  balls  to begin  with

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