horriflying buyon

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Goku pov  hey u OK  am fine  now u hear  hand over the dragon balls  not happening  pal  u have no choice  or die  wit one punch I could  knock  your  hand  off  your  shoulders  n not feel bad about  it  u not position  to make any deals right  now  no I refuse  to do so  huh what the heck  is that thing  nothing  hurting  this thing  ka ma ah ha ha  what the u missed  huh we have to knock this  wall down  no what u doing  one two three  now ahhh  it's  cold have jacket  he frozen  he ahhh  phew  that's   close so cold  let's  go alright  power pole exited  come on 8 thanks  well we have to get the chief  now  yeah  good idea  welll  these guys  wasn't  no college  now am glad  I came so u won't  mess things  up hehe  well after  this we have  to get  rid of the red rubbin army  to make sure they can't  come back any time soon well he wa eating  I have feeling  we going to run into that guy he all talk boy no bite  I have seen guys like  him  before  talk big but runs like a crowed  remember  that I make sure to knowing u would  forget  it u probably  right  hehe  let's get this guy n look for the dragon balls  hold up ahhh  what y doing  this   I had a feeling  we being watched  ahh u OK  what u seeing  Bardock  yeah am fine just handacte.

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