Hospital Visits

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Alana's Pov

Niall sat and held my hand the whole way to the hospital. Gently stroking my hair and telling me everything was going to be alright. He was so sweet bless him. He didn't have to do this for me, he hadn't known me ten minutes and he was sitting with me on the way to the hospital.

We arrived to the hospital and I was left in a room just me and Niall while the doctor ran some tests after hooking me up to an IV drip. Niall sat on the chair next to the bed gently holding my hand. I looked over at him. I hadn't noticed before how blue his eyes were.

"Niall, you really didn't have to come with me. I would have been fine on my own." "Alana, I wanted to come with you. You are sick, and you need help" "Im fine, I just want to get out of here"

"The Guys are on their way over, and I think Sarah is as well «He replied smiling at me. " "Who is Sarah?" "Sarah's Zayn's New Girlfriend but sshh they aren't official or anything yet. Just as he is about to talk the doctor walks back in to the room. "Alana unfortunately you are going to have to stay in overnight so we can get some fluids into you." I burst into tears at this. I don't want to be in the hospital, especially on my first night with one direction. I could hear Noises down the corridor. I look at Niall and say" That's got to be Louis". In a flash of light I see Louis wheel past in a wheelchair and then a massive bang. I see Harry run past waving his arms above his head screaming "Boor bear are you okay". Liam appears and appears to be having a stern word with Louis and Harry. I do love Daddy Direction as us Fans call him. Niall was highly amused at Liam's Facial expression. Zayn then appeared with a girl with long blond hair. She was so beautiful. Zayn smiled as he dragged Louis in by his collar still babbling on about carrots. Liam followed with harry who was texting. "Harry are you texting that girl again?" Niall asked. "She has a name... and I might be" he replied. "Okay then, are you texting Alex?" "Yes I am". The girl then spoke "sorry I had to meet you this way but im Sarah."" Hi, Im Alana, zayn i thought you were with Perrie?"" i am but management are forcing me to stay with her im just madly in love with this girl" he says as he grabs sarahs waist making her giggle.

We Sat all talking for a while except Harry who was texting once again and then I saw Niall Just staring out the window" Are you alright Hun? You look a bit distracted?" "Im fine, just thinking" He replied whispering in my ear. "The only person I am worrying about is you right now. You need to get better and that's all what matters right now to me. Paul appeared at the door. "I think I must have been in every hospital room looking for you guys, hurry up we need to go". The boys filled out one by one saying bye as they left. Sarah came over and placed a piece of paper in my hand. "Text me ». She gave me a quick hug and went to join Zayn who was leaning against the door frame for her. He immediately took her hand as they walked along the corridor leaving just me and niall." Good night beautiful" He kissed me on the cheek and hugged me tight. He walked towards the door and blew a kiss, "see you tomorrow".

Did Niall Horan really just call me beautiful?



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