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Giana had been laying down for the past twenty minutes, trying to shake off the feeling of discomfort that had been plaguing her since dinner. She still felt uneasy, but she knew that she couldn't stay in her room forever.

With a deep breath, Giana sat up and looked around her room. She tried to focus on the present, reminding herself that she had a party to go to and that she needed to start getting ready.

Giana slowly got out of bed and walked over to the chair next to her closet, grabbing the outfit she had laid out earlier.

Giana grabbed her phone and FaceTimed Landon. As soon as he picked up, she could hear the excitement in his voice. "Giaaa!!" he said, grinning from ear to ear. "I've been waiting all day. What did you have to tell me?"

Giana laughed, shaking her head at Landon's overreaction. "Jesus Landon, chill out," she said, her voice filled with amusement. She put her phone up to face the ceiling as she began getting dressed, the sound of her clothes rustling filling the silence.

As Giana slipped her crop top on, she began telling Landon. "So on the drive here, we stop at the gas station to get some snacks. You know?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Landon let out a chuckle, his voice filled with amusement. "Of course," he said, his tone light. "What did you get?"

Giana grinned, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "Jere sent me a list of everything everyone wanted and- hold up. That's not the point." she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "That's not what I called you for Landon!" Giana laughed.

"Ok,ok I'm sorry." Landon giggled, "Continue."

Giana's voice was filled with excitement as she recounted the story to Landon. "So, I was at the store getting my snacks, and I'm about to pay and guess who fucking works there." she said, looking over at the phone screen to see Landon's reaction.

Landon's face was a mix of curiosity and skepticism as he spoke. "Who?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Giana's grin widened as she spoke. "Kai!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

Landon's eyes were wide with disbelief as he spoke. "No way!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise. "You're lying, Giana!"

Giana shook her head, her voice serious now. "I swear Landon." she said, her tone filled with conviction.

"Oh my god! Did he recognize you? Did you say anything? Like what oh my god. I have so many questions," he said excitedly.

Giana's heart raced as she heard his string of questions. "I recognized him and he recognized me immediately." she replied, her voice filled with excitement. "The snacks that I bought, I didn't have to pay for. He said it was on the house! And now I'm getting ready to go out to a party with him."

Landon's voice was filled with laughter as he replied, "Giana! You scandalous girl! Let me see what you're wearing. Where is the party at?"

Giana propped her phone up and showed him the outfit, her eyes filled with excitement. "It's on the beach, it's like this bonfire type thing," she said, her voice filled with anticipation.

Landon's voice was filled with enthusiasm as he spoke. "You look good!" he exclaimed.

Giana smiled as she finished up her makeup, her mind filled with excitement and anticipation. "Thanks, Landon," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I'm really excited for tonight."

"I bet. How long have you guys been talking?" Landon asked.

"A few months already," Giana replied. Her phone buzzed with a message, and she quickly glanced at it. "Oh my god, he's texting me," she exclaimed.

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