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The day had been spent with Giana and Cameron taking in as much knowledge as possible. They had started the day with a safety briefing, learning about the importance of life jackets, how to use emergency equipment, and what to do in case of an emergency. They had also learned about the basics of marine biology, from the different types of fish that could be found in the area to the unique ecosystems that existed just below the surface.

As the day wore on, they had the chance to put their new knowledge into practice. They had taken turns at the helm, learning how to steer the boat and navigate through the water. They had also had the chance to try their hand at fishing, casting their lines out and waiting patiently for a bite. Giana had been thrilled when she had finally caught her first fish, feeling excited as she reeled it in.

As the sun began to set, Giana and Cameron felt a very accomplished. They had spent the day exploring the ocean, learning about the different species of fish and coral reefs that inhabited it. Their instructor, Jess, had been patient and informative, answering all of their questions and showing them how to use the equipment properly.

After a long day, they had finally completed the last task on their itinerary. Jess smiled at them, "Well wasn't that fun?" Giana and Cameron grinned back. "Now that's only half of the things you'll be learning throughout these five weeks. You guys are done for the day, tomorrow we'll get to do more hands on things. But I'm gonna let you guys go, so you can have the rest of the day to yourselves. You guys worked hard today and you deserve it."

As the boat slowly came to a stop, Giana and Cameron reluctantly said goodbye to Jess. They gathered their belongings and stepped off the boat, feeling a need to go back already.

As they walked down the pier, the sun beat down on them, the heat almost unbearable. Cameron couldn't contain his excitement, "That was awesome!" he exclaimed.

Giana smiled, feeling the same way. "I know," she agreed. "I'm actually so excited for the rest of it." She said before moving to look over the wooden railing down into the ocean.

As Giana looked down, the sun beat down on her, but she couldn't help but feel amazed at the clear water below. She squinted, trying to get a better look, and to her surprise, she saw a tiny coral-colored crab scurrying along the sandy bottom. "Look Cam!" Giana pointed to the tiny crab, feeling giddy with excitement.

Cam walked up next to her, his eyes following her finger as she pointed out towards the water. His gaze shifted to the object of her attention, and he smiled as he spotted the crab. "Oh shoot. I see it," he said, his voice light and playful. The two looked at each other, smiling before looking back down at the crab.

"It's big as hell," Giana said, chuckling at her choice of words. "Well, not big, but obviously big enough for us to see from up here!" Cam laughed at her words, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

They continued to watch the crab, the silence between them comfortable and easy. The crab scuttled along the rocks, its movements slow and deliberate. Giana leaned in closer, her eyes following the crab's path. Cam watched her, his gaze softening.

After a while, the crab disappeared from view, and there was a moment of stillness between them. The sound of the water lapping against the dock filled the air, and the sun beat down on their skin, warm and comforting.

"How long have you been coming to Cousins?" Cam asked, breaking the silence.

"Gosh." Giana playfully sighed. "For as long as I can remember, me and my family come here every summer." She smiled at the memories that came flooding back to her.

"I've never seen you around or anything," Cam said, his tone curious.

"Probably because I mostly stay in." Giana said with a laugh. "My brother goes out a bunch with our family friends, so I usually stay home."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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