Chapter 2

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Shutting the door to his dorm Y/N pressed their back against it sliding down as they sighed with relief. They closed their eyes tightly, trying to relax from the long day they had just had. Stretching, Y/N opened his eyes.

His bed was still unmade from the night before; clothes scattered across his dorm room floor. His desk was covered in papers and pens, little doodles and excess dried up clay that he had yet to clean up. It was a mess but an organized mess. He knew were everything was so there was no point in cleaning it.

Y/N emptied his bag on the bed as he look at his phone. "7:17, Just enough time to take a shower." Grabbing some clothes he made his way into the bathroom. Dropping the clothes  he started adjusting the water, testing to see if it was up to temp.  Once hot enough he quickly jumped into the shower.

Y/N walked out of the bathroom as he  dried his hair, ruffling a towel through it. Dropping the towel in the clothes bin he pick up the rest of the mess of clothes. He glance out the window hearing a chirp, it was dark now. Panicked he picked up his phone. "7:48. I still got time." Y/N picked up his bag before looking at the pile of things protruding
from it. "I'll need my pepper spray, some pens, maybe my little notebook..." His eyes widened as he thought. "Snacks! They always forget to eat before we go out."  He went to his mini fridge pulling out some sodas and water, cramming them in to his bag. "I'll grab some food on my way out," he said closing the fridge door.

He looked around the room trying to spot anything she might have forgotten. "God it's a mess in here..." he thought out loud. Sighing he bent down to start picking up the clothes on the floor, tossing them into the clothes bin. There was a knocking at the door. "It's open!" He yelled as he finished up. Oliver walked in looking around the place. "You ready?" His eyes landed on Y/N. "Just about," Y/N said as he grabbed his bag. Quickly he pulled on his shoes as he rushed for his phone and earbuds. "So..." Oliver looked around the room picking up a pillow and tossing it back up on the bed. "You finally cleaned up the clothes." He continued. Y/N scowled at him. He bursted out in laughter at his glare. "What?" Y/N inquired. "Nothing nothing," he waved his hands in dismissal. "You ready now?" He asked. "Yep!" He smiled gleefully. "Let's go!" Y/N rushed for the door.

Yandere Ticci Toby x Y/N Masc VerWhere stories live. Discover now