Toby head canons (#^.^#)

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Theses are headcanons my friend and I came up with. (Shout out to them, they also read my chapters to help me see if they make sense and have spelling errors). Toby will NOT be acting like the fandom version of him that is obsessed with waffles and acts like a child. I can't stand the version. Anyway on to the headcanons!

Toby is incredibly aggressive it takes very little to irritate him. It is very common for him and Jeff to fist fight because of this. When he fights he fights dirty, biting, aiming for the eyes, exe. The biting gets so bad the he has to wear a muzzle. (So instead of a mouth guard/ mask it's a muzzle). He tends to get overwhelmed which also results in violence however only if you get to close. Most of  the time he'll go to his room when this happens. He finds delight in harming others (mostly Jeff) which stems from other beating him up as a kid. He hates getting called Rogers however Masky calls him Rogers all the time. He mostly stays to himself, he's awkward. He's quite until he's irritated when he will start yelling. His voice is raspy because of this the yelling then little talking puts constant strain on his vocal cords. He draws a lot and prefers traditional art. His tics tend to get in the way though causing random lines and dashes across drawing. Once he gets comfortable you can get him to stop talking, going off from one topic to other then back to the first one. He plays video games with Ben sometimes but prefers to play alone. He's insane (obviously) and sometime seems to be too interesting in death and blood. It's common for him to go off on how he killed someone when he comes back from missions going into way to much detail. He has snake bite piercings which he got on a whim in a attempt to feel pain. ( check last chapters picture for an idea of the piercing) He's S.H in the past in an attempt to feel pain as well. He tends to not be too careful when on missions, not really carrying if he gets hurt resulting in many scars.

Some nsfw Toby headcanons
He's a masochist. He loves when you pull at his hair. When fucking he likes you to touch is neck, it doesn't have to be in a choking way just the feeling of your fingers tracing his neck does wonders. When he's angry he tends to get horney as well which can be a problem at times. He both whines and groans. He wouldn't like to be tied up mainly because he wants to grab your hips. He's a switch however when he's horney from aggression he tops and will be forceful (with concent of course). He's a tits and thighs man himself. When kissing he always grass your hips and rub his thumb in between you hip joint. He bites. A lot. Mainly on the neck and thigh areas. He has a habit of starting at your boobs without even realizing it, and he doesn't really care. Despite being a murder he will respect your boundaries, you just have to make sure you set them.

That's mostly it I just figured I'd give you guys a run down on Toby because he's gonna be in the next chapter.

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