Chapter 4

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Y/N slapped his side table for his phone as his alarm buzzed. Feeling around he finally grabbed it and pressed snooze. Annoyed, he buried his face into his pillow, holding it tightly. Laying those he slowly started to drift back to sleep. He nuzzled into his blankets and pillows breathing deeply. He jolted awake as his alarm went off again, he threw the pillow at the wall as he was forced awake. "Fuck!" irritated, he grabbed his phone and shut it off once more. He sighed as he buried his face into his hands. Slowly he dragged himself out of bed and headed for the closet. He searched through his closet, looking for an outfit. Grabbing a shirt he undressed and put it on, still sore from a week ago. his phone rang as he struggled to put on his shirt with minimal pain. "I swear to god," he whined as he grabbed his phone. "Oliver.'' he rolled his eyes and answered the phone.

"What." he answered as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Ok fuck, do you have yesterday's notes?" Oliver asked, a little stunned. Y/N sighed as he stood there baffled. "Yes... Like always." Y/N retorted. Oliver was quiet for a moment before speaking again "You just woke up didn't you?" he could tell he was smiling on the other side of the phone. "Fuck you," he groaned. Oliver laughed, "Alright I'll be over in a minute." He hung up leaving Y/N confused. "Bitch..." he quickly finished getting dressed, throwing a dark green hoodie over top of his shirt. After a moment Oliver threw open his door in a rush. "Good morning." He smiled sweetly. "You ready?"

Y/N stared at him blankly, getting irritated by the smile on his face. That had been happening a lot lately, he realized. He was always mad, and over the littlest things too. Oliver smiled, acting like nothing had happened. Well, something did happen! It made him sick that he had to act like he was alright, like the thought of Scarlett's dead decaying corpse wasn't ingrained in his memories, like he wasn't an accessibility to murder. The cops hadn't come yet at the very least but he still felt like he was being read like an open book, like some would look at him and know he was lying when he said he fell down the stairs and twisted his ankle or how he was acting odd because of school. It ate away at his, made him sick and confused, and here was Oliver acting like it wasn't a big deal. The pit in his stomach, the way his thoughts circled like fish in a bowl, the ache in his body; it made him furious. And on top of all that he was terrified.

As the days passed he constantly felt on edge, felt like he was being watched, like he was never alone even when he was, and when he mentioned it to Eddie and Oliver they had brushed him off. "It's nothing to worry about. You're just being paranoid." They would say, but it didn't reassure his. he had been losing things too, pencils and pens going missing, his favorite hoodie nowhere to be seen. Nothing seemed to be where he left it, sure he was confused but he had never lost so many things at once. Just the other night he had searched for hours to find his best pair of boxers, looking everywhere he could think of. The closet, dresser, desk, under the bed, everywhere. He never ended up finding it and just chalked it up to the washer eating it.

he glared at him exhausted as he adjusted his hoodie. "Morning," he grumbled, biting his tongue. Oliver smiled as he grabbed his bag for his and slung it over his shoulder. "Ready?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "Mh hold on." Y/N walked to the bathroom to brush his hair. He looked around for it, confused as to where it had gone. He opened and shut cupboards loudly as he rummaged around. "Oh for fucks sake!" he growled as he slammed the mirror shut. Oliver peaked curiously. "Can't find something again?" he asked cheekily. "Yes, my brush." Y/N opened the medicine cabinet and searched. Oliver laughed as he leaned in the doorway. "Maybe someone's stealing your things," He joked. Y/N glanced up as he genuinely considered it. "You think?" his voice softened as his anger subsided. Oliver laughed at him lovingly. "No! I was kidding!" He cackled. Y/N glared at him, his face getting red. "How would anyone even be able to get to your stuff?" he asked as he tried to catch his breath. "You lock the door," he reminded his. he looked away embarrassed as he thought about how stupid of an idea that was. "Oh, maybe they'll steal your toothbrush next! Or maybe your pillows!" he mocked. Y/N clenched his fist as tears filled his eyes. "Shut up! It's not funny!" he shouted. "I'm fucking scared you jerk!" Oliver stared at his surprise, after a moment he sighed and waved his hand for his to come out of the restroom. "Come on, we'll stop by my dorm and get you a hairbrush." Y/N nodded still irritated as he followed him.

Y/N struggled to pay attention in class, constantly zoning out as the images of Scarlett and that boy flashed in his mind. his body tensed up as he dug his nails into his thigh. He stared at the screen in the auditorium, his pencil still. Images flashed on the board as the teachers paced up and down the stage. he was snapped from his trance as the door creaked open and quietly shut. he glanced over to see a boy closing the door quietly and walking up the steps to a seat. he rested his head on his hand as he stared at him.

Y/N studied him as he scooted his way into the row. He sat down quietly near him and pulled out a sketchbook. he rolled his eyes and looked back towards the screen. He scribbled on his paper as he tried to focus. His writing was sloppy and hard to read today. The teachis nodded as he gave time for the students to write down the notes. Y/N dropped his pencil angrily before glancing back over at the boy. His hair was a mess, going every which way. He squinted at the sketchbook, irritated as he erased something and redrew it. Y/N tried to see what he was drawing but to no avail. His hand jolted across the paper right over the top of his drawing. He huffed and hurriedly erased the stray mark. He looked back up at him, confused by his reaction as he watched him draw. It was soothing, clearing his mind of the horrible thoughts. "I'll take notes later tonight." he thought as he watched him carefully. Y/N sat up trying to see the peak at the sketchbook. his nose scrunched up as he squinted at the page. "A boy." he thought as he smiled sweetly. he turned to Oliver to see if had noticed him. He glanced up but said nothing. Y/N looked back over at the boy, noticing he had far more detail in the drawing than before when he looked away. He was pale like his skin had never met the sun, but somehow still covered in the sun's kisses. Freckles decorated his skin from head to toe, accented with a bright blush. His eyes were dark with tired bags underneath.

Y/N picked up his pencil and began to take notes again, bored from watching the boy draw. He jotted down the lecture quickly, not putting in much effort. He rested his head on his hand as his mind started to wonder again. his grip tightened as he glared down at the paper, writing absent-mindedly. his ears began to ring as his heart raced, a feeling of paranoia setting down over him. Scarlett's distance wail filled his ears as his face heated up. "Alright class that will be all. Remember you have an assignment on page 347 tonight, questions 1- 29." Y/N's eyes shot around as he realized everyone was packing up. Hurriedly, he shoved his things into his bag and headed for the door, not looking behind him to see if Oliver was following. Weaving his way through the crowd he made his way down the hall. He looked out the big windows noticing that the sun had started to set. He sighed with relief knowing that the day was over. Y/N heard loud footsteps behind him as he walked. Oliver threw his arm around his as he caught up. "Aw, what's wrong?" he mocked. "Scared you're being followed?" He poked him in the side as he teased him. Y/N scoffed as his face got flush. "Drop dead." he growled angrily. Oliver laughed as he continued to follow him to his dorm.

"You have work tonight right?" he interrogated. Y/N nodded absent-mindedly as he unlocked his dorm's door. He looked up confused as he looked around his room. "Did i..." his voice trailed off as he glanced back at Oliver. "What's up?" He forced his way into his room. "Did I make my bed this morning?" he asked stupidly. Oliver sat on the bed and looked down. "You must of." He shrugged. Y/N nodded as he ran his hand threw his hair and laughed sheepishly. "I'm so tired I don't even remember making my bed," he laughed. Oliver nodded as he waited for him to get ready for work. "Come on, I'll give you a ride. Eddie and I were planning on studying at the grindhouse anyway." Y/N got dressed for work before looking over at him. "Thanks... why are you studying there?" he asked skeptically. "So we can harass you." He joked, a smile spreading over his face. Y/N huffed and rolled his eyes. "Great."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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