Chapter 1 Meet the Nerds

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Kara's POV

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! My phone alarm went off until I rolled over and shut it off. Today's the day! The day I finally get to start my quest to become King of the Nerds. I can't believe that I've been chosen to be on King of the Nerds. I push the covers of my hotel bed off of me and walked over to my suitcase. I searched my suitcase for the perfect shirt to start my journey with. I smiled when I came across my Eevee evolution dressed as the Avengers. "Yes the perfect shirt." I said to myself. (FYI Versions of this shirt exist and I want one.)

After I fix my shirt I walk over to the bathroom to fix the rest of me. I ran my brush through my long black hair. Not long before I got the call about being on the show I had my hair dyed black and about a week and a half ago I add purple highlights. I added a light purple eye shadow to my eyes, grabbed my suitcase and backpack, and headed down to the lobby of the hotel to check out and get picked up. I find it slightly weird that we have to be picked up but I suppose it makes a little scene. I check out of the hotel and wait out front for the car to pick me up.

"Excuse me miss." A man came up to me. "Are you Kara Hunt?"

"Um..Yes I am who are you?" I ask. The thought that he could have been from the show had never even crossed my mind.

"I'm here to take you to the set of King of the Nerds." He said motioning to the limo behind him.

"Holy shit I get a limo?!?!?!?!?!" I said a little too loud and the rest of the people in front of the hotel stared at me. The limo driver laughed at my outburst.

"Yes, you get a limo." He smiled and took my suitcase placing it in the trunk. "Now we should be on our way." I nod and get in the back. We arrived at this amazing place and I was told to head down a path to meet the other nerds and that my suitcase would be taken to my room. I walked down next to the water fountain and joined 7 other people. I'm not the last one. Yay!

"Welcome to Nerdvana." Curtis welcomes us once everyone showed up. Holy shit I can't believe they're hosting the show. All of us cheered.

"You may recognize us. I'm Bobby." Bobby said happily.

"And I'm Curtis." Curtis addded.

"And we made Nerds cool." Bobby said. "You are the imaginative, inventive, devious and intelligent nerds-"

"And Geeks." Curtis interrupted him.

"In the world." Bobby continued. "And you are here to compete against one another for $100,000." We all cheered again.

"And to be crowned King of the Nerds." Curtis said enthusiastically. We all cheered a third time.

"Each week you will compete team against team in a battle royal that we call the nerd war." Bobby explained the rules.

"For this week's Nerd War you will divide yourselves into 2 teams of 6 nerds each." Curtis began. "However, as you've noticed there are 13 of you which means one of you wouldn't be picked." My eyes widened. One of us won't be picked???? I looked around and everyone else shared a look. I heard someone behind me whisper dodge ball.

"What do you say Curtis. Should we pick the team captains?" Bobby asked and Curtis nodded. They pick up a hat and Curtis reached in pulling out a piece of paper.

"And the first team captain is..." Curtis said "Genevieve" A small prissy looking girl raised her hand. She looks like someone I would hate. Great! "And the second team captain is.." Curtis took out another piece of paper. "Ivan!" Damn not me I could be sent home. Shit.

"Genevieve and Ivan you will make the first picks for this challenge." Bobby announced.

"Each person who is picked will then pick the next member of their team."

"Since none of you have met before, make sure that the captains and your potation team mates know your strengths." Curtis said.

"Or you could be left out in the cold." Bobby said. Everyone looked a little scared.

"In 2 hours you will pick teams so use your time to make yourselves indispensable. Are you ready to do battle? Then let the games begin." We all cheer for a finally time. We all ran toward the house.

When we got inside the house it was amazing. "HOLY SHIT!!!!" I yelled.

"Look. It's us." Someone said and pointed to the walls. I walked up to mine and smiled.

There is so much amazing stuff. I walked around and around. Everyone looked so happy.

"Can I touch it?" A man questioned walking up to the batman statue.

"If you're not touching it, you're doing it wrong." I answered him as he walked toward it. After a few minutes we all sat down in what looked to be a lobby and started telling each other about ourselves. I stay quiet just listening to everyone trying to pick who I would want on my team. The man who hugged batman was Joshua. He seems like someone I would want my team. Virgil talked about how good he was at hacking. You can't be that good if you got caught. Celeste is a progamer. Well two can play at that game. It was now my turn to talk.

"Hi guys. My name is Kara and I am a video game designer as well as a progamer. I worked on the English release of Pokemon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2. I do mostly console game design but some Pc. Really went ever someone needs someone they call me and I do it. I love cosplay, anime, and comic books mostly Marvel, a few Dc. I'm a stubborn person who likes to win and will work hard to win." I passed the sword to the next person. Alana didn't seem like much of a threat to me or anyone. She's not very good at talking is she? After we were done we spend time talking to everyone trying to get on each other's teams. I ended up taking to Joshua.

"You know you would be a very strong competitor." He said smiling at me. "Celeste might be a gamer girl but you have other things too. Plus I like your hair."

"Thank you." I said returning his smile. "You would be a great person to have on a team too." Everyone was trying to get on at least one person's good side. This is going to be fun.

Hey Guys. So I've been watching a lot of smosh lately and i used to love king of the nerds and they are connected in real life so I'm using that to my advantage. So i know that in king of the nerds there were only 11 people but i needed it to be balanced. If you liked this story please vote or leave a comment. Thanks. Meow =^.^=

From competing for the crown to competing for Love. (A JovenShire Love story)Where stories live. Discover now