Chapter 5 Nerd Off

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Joshua's POV

            After our sword training we were lead over to a huge 'fest'.  Medieval Pizza I like it. "I'm starving." Ivan said. Everyone nodded.

            "Let's eat!" I shouted. Everyone else cheered as we sat down at the table.

            "I love Pizza." Kara pulled a couple pieces of Pizza on to her plate.

            "We do have a big decision to make when we get back to the house." I say after a couple of minutes. 

            "I kind of want Virgil to stay on their team cause its like having a honey badger in a bag full of kittens." Ivan said.

            "But he's strong." Danielle said. That's true.

            "Is he really though?" Kara asked. "He talks all about how he is soooooo smart but have we seen him show it. No."

            "Then who would you consider strong?" Brandon questioned her.

            "I think Jon is still a threat." She replied.

            "She's right." I agreed. "Jon is their powerhouse when it comes to math."  Brandon handed me some more food. "But honestly I would say Celeste."

            "Genevieve is scarier then Celeste cause she does all sorts of things." Danielle said and I nodded. "I'm just trying to look at what would knock there team the hardest and Genevieve would fuck up their team."

            "And if Genevieve is gone Virgil will try to take over as leader." Ivan continued. "I think we should pick Genevieve." We nodded. "To Victory today."  We headed back to the house after dinner. I headed toward the showers as we all went our separate ways. After my shower I went back down toward the living room. Ivan was talking to Genevieve. Ok that's weird. Kara and Moogega where playing Lord of the Rings Chess and I don't even know where Danielle and Brandon are.

*Next day.*

Kara's POV

            "All nerds to the throne room." Curtis called. The orange team and I had been talking in our room.

            "He should not be allowed to be the loud this early in the morning." I sighed as we stood up and walked to the throne room.

            "Today two nerds will be sent to the nerd off. The winner will stay to compete and the loser will be sent home." Curtis said just like last time.

            "Team Servants of the Forsaken Orb we have tallied your votes." Bobby pulled out his table.

            "By unanimous consent Jon you will be going to the nerd off." Curtis revealed. "So Jon this is your second nerd off."  I feel sorry for him. He's not a bad person he's just too strong.

                "I take it as a complement that they have chosen me again." Jon fake laughs.

            "Team Blexthropy your votes have also been tallied." Bobby said.

            "One vote for Alana." Curtis started. Saw that coming. "One vote for Virgil." Saw that coming as well. "Two votes for Alana.....Another vote for Alana, you'll be going into the Nerd off." Alana is clearly upset as she went off on how Virgil should have been voted off.

            "Alana, Jon please step forward." Curtis called them up. "For today's Nerd off you must access your knowledge of the world's best know imagery realms. You will have three hours to prepare."

            "May the best nerd win." Bobby said. We turned and everyone scattered.

            "Who do you think will win?" Joshua asked Moogega and I.

            "I hope that Alana but I have a feeling Jon will win." Moogega replied. I nodded. I turned as I heard the door to our room open and Alana stepped in.

            "Hi Danielle." She said

            "You want to chat?" Danielle asked. Alana nodded and they walked back to the orange room.

            "I kind get this feeling that Alana is playing more for us then for the blue team." I said to the whole room once they left.

            "Its not a bad thing though." Ivan agreed.

            "Especially if she stays!" Brandon added.

            "Which she probably won't." Moo added

            "We'll see." Joven finished. After a while Curtis called us down to the front lawn. I walked out with my team and stood on the little orange mat. Bobby gave the intro to the challenge. Bobby read the first question. Game of thrones to start? In my mind I kept the answers I thought were right in my head. I snapped out of my thoughts as Jon rolled his dice down the hill. Shit he got a lot of points. Alana rolled and only got a hundred. Sorry Alana but you're going home. The second round didn't go much better. Alana got no points where Jon got 700. Bye Alana.

            "This isn't going well for us." I whispered to Joshua. He nodded. The whole orange team was thinking the same thing. The Third round went slightly better with only Alana getting to roll. She got 1500 points. Holy shit that came from nowhere. The Orange team cheered. The last round and they were both tied. Alana got a small 300 but Jon got an even smaller 200  points. Alana wins!!! We clapped as the blue team looked sad. Sucks for them. We walked back to the orange room. 

            "I liked Jon as a person but he was too strong." Brandon said when we got back. We all nodded.

            "But Alana now trusts our team more than her own." Danielle said. We are so much more of a team than Blexthropy.

From competing for the crown to competing for Love. (A JovenShire Love story)Where stories live. Discover now