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[Night 1]

Phone Dude: He-hey! I promise it'll be a LOT more interesting this time! We found som-some great new relics over the weekend, So, uhh- let me just update you real quick, then you can get to work. Like, the attraction opens in a week, so we have to make sure EVERYTHING works, and Uhm, when the place opens, people will come in at the opposite end of the building, and work there towards you, and PASS you, and out the exit.

Uh, yeah you've officially become part of the attraction. Uh, you'll be starring as... The Security Guard! So not only will you be monitoring the people on the camera as they pass through, you know, to make sure no one STEALS anything,

but you'll also be a part of the show! It'll make it feel, really authentic I think. Uh, now let me tell you about what's new. We found another set of drawings, always nice, AND A FEW REAL ANIMATRONICS!

Which we think could be authentic! Then again, it might just be another crappy cosplay. And we found a Desk fan, very old school, metal though, so watch the fingers! Uh, heh! Uhm, right now the place is basically just, you know, I honestly thought we'd have more by now, uh so if we don't have anything really cool by next week, we may have to suit you up in a suit and make you walk around saying: "BOOO!"

Uh, but you know like I said, we're trying to track down a good lead right now. Uh, some guy who helped design one of the buildings, said there was like, an..? Or something like that. So! We're gonna take a peek, and see what we can find.

Uh, in trying to make the place feel more vintage we have overdone it a bit! Some of this equipment is BARELY functional! Uhm, but the MOST IMPORTANT THING, you have to watch for, is the Ventilation. Look, this place will give you the spooks man, and Ok, keep an eye on things, and we'll try to have something new for ya' tomorrow night."

Night 2: Phone Dude: "Hey man! Ok, I have some awesome news for you! First of all:

Dude, these are like, prehistoric! I think they were like training tapes, for like other employees or something like that. So, I thought we would like, to have them playing, like over the speakers while people walk through the attraction.

Okay, I'll leave you with some of this great audio I found. Talk to you later, man!" Click!

Night 2: Phone Guy:

First, we will discuss how to operate the mascots when they are in Animatronic form. For ease of operation, the animatronics are set to turn and walk towards sound, giving an easy and hands-free approach, to making sure the animatronics stay where the children are, for maximum entertainment/crowd-pleasing value. To change the animatronics to Suit mode, insert and turn firmly the hand crank, provided by the manufacturer. Turning the crank will recoil and compress the animatronic parts around the sides of the suit, providing room to climb inside. Please make sure the is fastened tight, to ensure the animatronic devices remain (fit?). We'll cover this in more detail, in tomorrow's session."

Night 3: Phone Guy: " Uh, hello hello! Uhm, for today's lesson, we will be continuing our training on proper suit-handling techniques. When using an animatronic as a suit, please ensure that the animatronic parts are tightly compressed and fastened, by the spring lock located around the inside of the suit.

It may take a few moments, position your head and torso between these parts, in a manner where you can move and speak. Try not to nudge or press against ANY of the spring locks inside the suit. Do not touch the spring lock at any time. As always, if there is ever an emergency, please go to the designated safe room. As always, remember to smile, as you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

Night 4: Phone Guy: "Uh, hello? Hello, hello! Uhm, there has been a slight change of company policy, concerning you and the suits. Uhm, so. After learning of an unfortunate incident at involving multiple and simultaneous spring lock failures, the company has deemed the suits temporarily unfit for employees at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, which is why the classic suits are being retired to an appropriate location while being looked at by our technicians.

Until replacements arrive, you'll be expected to wear the provided to you. Keep in mind, they were found on very short notice, so questions about appropriateness/relevance should be deflected. I repeat the classic suits are not to be touched, activated, or worn. That being said, we are free of liability, do as you wish. As always, remember to smile. You are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

Night 5: Phone Guy: "Hello, hello! Uhm, this is just a reminder of company policy concerning the (?). The safe room is reserved for equipment and or other property not currently being used, and This is not a break room, and should not be considered a place for employees to hide and or sleep in. Management has also been made aware that the SpringBonnie animatronic has been noticeably moved.

We would like to remind employees that this costume is not safe to wear under any circumstances. Thank you, and remember to smile, you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

Night 6: Phone Guy: "Uh, hello? Hello, hello! Uh, this is just to inform all employees, that due to restrictions, the previously mentioned safe rooms, are being sealed at most locations. Including this one. Work crews will be here most of the day today, constructing a false wall over the old door bay.

So if you left anything inside, then it's your own fault. Management also requests that this room not be mentioned to family, friends, or insurance representatives. Thanks again, and remember to smile. You are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

Fazbear Entertainment, Inc

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Fazbear Entertainment, Inc. Est, 1983

Afton Robotics, LLC

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Afton Robotics, LLC. Est. 1973

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