Extra: Henry Emily

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Begin tape. Leaving dead space. Three, two, one.

The purpose of this tape is to test automated response times and reactions from vintage interactive attractions following audio stimuli. If you are playing this tape, that means that not only have you been checking outside at the end of every shift, as you were instructed to do, but also that you have found something that meets the criteria of your special obligations under Paragraph Four.

Follow these instructions, document response times then safely secure the space before leaving. Upon sealing the room, you are not to return.

Begin audio prompt in three, two, and one.


Document results.

Begin audio prompt in three, two, and one.


Document results.

Begin audio prompt in three, two, and one.


Document results.

Begin audio prompt in three-

Congratulations on completing your first day. However, your job isn't over just yet. There is another aspect to your end-of-day routine, and that is inspecting and salvaging any animatronics found in the alley outside the backdoor.

Things are found here quite often, and while we aren't sure why, what we do know, if that they can be used for parts, which can mean a much-needed revenue boost before starting your next day.

Of course, as with everything else in this line of work, those benefits come with risks. The safest thing to do is to throw it back outside. But then, you get no money for the salvage. Choose to keep it, and you run the risk of certain negative consequences – namely, death – should the item in question not be as docile as it first appeared.

If you do decide to try to salvage it, then you must complete the maintenance checklist. During this testing phase, check on the animatronic frequently. If you feel that it is becoming unstable, use the taser provided to you. You can use it three times without damaging the hardware. Every use over three however will decrease the item's salvage value.

Before you is an animatronic found in the back alley. We are unsure of its origins. It is your job to complete the maintenance checklist before claiming it as salvage. Or, if you choose to, you can throw it back into the alley where you found it, and forfeit payment.

Please make your choice now.

You have chosen to proceed with the maintenance checklist. Remember, use your company-issued taser to return the animatronic to a neutral state if you feel that it's becoming unstable or aggressive. You can only use it three times before it begins to damage the animatronic and decrease its value. Begin audio prompt in three, two, and one.


Document results

Begin audio prompt in three, two, and one.


Document results.

Begin audio prompt in three, two, and one.


Document results.

Begin audio prompt in three, two, and one.


Document results.

Begin audio prompt in three, two, and one.


Document results.

You have completed the maintenance checklist and may proceed with the salvage. Well done. End tape.

Congratulations on completing the week. Unfortunately, you did not meet your special obligations under Paragraph Four. Your employment is terminated. We'll mail you your things. End tape.

It's only now that I understand the depth of the depravity of this, creature – this monster – that I unwillingly helped to create. As if what he had already done wasn't enough, he found a new way to desecrate, to humiliate, to destroy.

As if the suffering wasn't enough, the loss of innocence, the loss of everything to so many people. Small souls trapped in prisons of my making, now set to new purpose and used in ways I never thought imaginable.

He lured them all back. Back to a familiar place. Back with familiar tricks. He brought them all together. Are they still, aware? I hope not. It keeps me awake at night. I could make myself...sleep. But not yet. Not until I undo what he has done, and heal this wound. A wound first inflicted on me, but then one that I let bleed out to cause, all of this. He set some kind of trap – I don't know what it was, but he led them there, again. He overpowered them, again. And he robbed them of the only thing that they had, again. I don't know how those tiny breaths of life came to inhabit those machines, but they will never find rest now – not like this. I have to call them, all back. All of them. Together, in one place.


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