Rocks at my window(justinbieber love story)

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Song of chapter-rocks at my window-Bridget Mendler

Bow's p.o.v


"BOW HURRY UP! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!!!" My dad yelled.

So let me tell you about me: I'm 17 live in Chicago I work at kiss fm with my dad and I am African American. My dad and mom are divorced because she cheated on my dad with some man at work. I have a brother who name is Blue but ounce was at a party last year and never came back(cue tears) so we don't know where he is.

But anyway back to reality.

"I'm coming don't get your boxers in your but hole!" I said as I ran down stairs in a blue and pink skirt with a black marvels shirt paired with black converse and a black snap back with studs.

As me and dad arrived we signed in and split up , I go to the radio studio 724 while dad goes to studio 735.

As I was walking down the hall I bumped into something making me fall on my bum.

"Watch where your going squirt!!!" I said to who ever bumped into me and kept walking when a hand stopped me.

I turn around and see......."da fuq?! Justin bieber?"

"Yeah that's me and I wanted to get your name."

"Bow" I simply said

"Thanks" Justin said

"Yeah because I just such did a big favor." I said sarcastically

"Oh yeah trust me you did." Justin said winking

"Da fuq" I muttered and kept walking

One thing for sure is that that was interesting................



( I know yeah it's short but wanted to keep you in suspense)

Did you like?! well if so vote or comment please!!

So the next chapters will also have songs for each I might not put it in multimedia or maybe you will have to go to YouTube or something!

Also guys if you want to make a cover for this please feel free because I really need one and I'm horrible so email it too

Now this is my cousins email we kinda share it so it might take me a sec to upload the cover so yeah but any who bye sry for the rant!!!

•rocks at my window

Xxxxx-kisses from Joey

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