Oh lord

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Justin's pov


I couldn't stop thinking about that girl Bow, she was gorgeous and she definitely had swag by what she was wearing. Looked like she didn't take crap from nobody and I like that so tomorrow when I go back I'm gonna ask her if we can hang or something. But she kinda looked like she wasn't interested....oh well worth a shot.

"Justin who was that girl you were talking to?" Scooter asked

"Um Bow she works there i think."

"Oh,ok don't get in to anything with her."

"Scooter calm down I talked to her for literally forty seconds and your already assuming stuff and plus I bumped into her calm down bruh." I said annoyed.

"Oh ok." Scooter said like the first time.

•at home•

As I was going to bed I couldn't help but think of Bow she looked so gorgeous and breath taking. Oh god I sound gay as crap!


Next morning

Bows p.o.v

The next morning I dressed in leather skinny pants with a army green shirt with pleather sleeves paired with bright red Supras.

I went downstairs to find a note from my dad saying that he had to go early and I had to drive......NOOO fudge no I hate driving not after what happend to mom,....and nows not the time to tell what happened.

As I was driving there was a car next to me blasting Justin Bieber why can't I get away from this kid damn. I looked over and some him.

Yes justin

Blasting his own music.


As bad as I wanted to laugh I decided to get a kick out if this. quickly I turned my phone on and went to the video recorder and taped every thing I saw...........i can't do it. I. Can't hold it in!

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" I pretty sure he heard because he turned to me plus my windows were open to"

When I looked at him I saw a hint of embarrassment and..... what is that?....anger? yeah it is but why?

He mouthed 'role your window down more'....

Oh lord


So watcha think plz comment and vote !!!

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