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Rick, Spencer and Calvin stand up as Daryl moves in front of them " Who the hell are you?" Daryl asks them " Who the hell are you?" One of prisoner's Tomas repeats "He's bleeding out bad. Rosita, put pressure on the wound above the knee." Spencer tells her. Rosita places her hands putting pressure on her dad's bleeding wound. Daryl makes his way closer to the prisoners, Calvin raises her gun aiming it at them. " Why don't you come out of there? Nice and slow." Calvin tells them. The prisoners slowly make their way out of the kitchen. " What happened?" He asks " He got bit" Daryl tells him. After explaining on what happened and what's happening in the world and they make their way back to the others with Calvin and Rosita pushing Hershel.


Daryl unlocks the door and they push the table into the cell block. " East. Easy" Rick says. " What happened to dad" Maggie asks them " He's losing too much blood" Rosita tells them. Carl unlocks the door to the bed area, they push the table though. Daryl and Calvin keeps their eyes on open door to the corridor, weapons raised waiting for the prisoners. " He got bit. I had to cut his leg off." Spencer tells the others. Spencer kneels down at the edge of the bed unwrapping the bandages showing Hershel's bloody wound. Beth and Maggie stands behind them tearing their gazes away from their dad. " I need more bandages" Spencer says " We used everything we had." Glenn tells her. " Get me anything then" She demands.


" You never tried to break out of here?" T-Dog asks " We tried to take the doors off, but you make one peep in here, those freaks would lining up outside the door growling trying to get in. Windows got bars on them that He-Man couldn't get though." Oscar tells them. Calvin and Rick keep their eyes on the prisoners as they talk. " You two done jerking each other off? Sick of waiting back here." Tomas asks impatiently. Calvin keeps her gun at her side ready and cocked, they walk into the kitchen towards the pantry seeing a shit ton of food. " Thought you said there was only a little left?" Calvin asks him. " Goes fast. You can have a bag of corn, some tuna fish---" Tomas starts. " We said half. That's the deal" Rick tells him. Calvin looks at a door. " What's in here?" she question. " Don't open that" Oscar warns her. She opens the door and moves back, gagging in disgust, the prisoners all laugh as she closes the door. " She wanted to know" Tomas said but ends up receiving a right hook to the Jaw by Rosita. " Asshole" She mutters


Daryl peeks his head out from the corner motioning with his hand as they walk around corner. " Man, it's so damn dark in here" Oscar says. Clanging and snarling noises are heard. Daryl holds up his hand as walkers stalk out from around the corner. The prisoners scream out running forward weapons raised up high towards the walkers. " Well gotta love their attitude." Calvin says. The prisoners aren't going for the heads, they're beating the walkers everywhere but the head, Calvin then rolls her eyes. " GO FOR THE HEAD, DUMBASSES!! THE HEAD!!"She shouts out " Right the head" Axel says as he brings down the axe he's holding jamming it though a walker's skull. Oscar and Andrew are kicking a walker on the floor, Calvin unsheathes her machete walking forward pulling Oscar out of the way, she raises the machete bringing it down slicing the walker's head off. " The fucking head! Go for the fucking head!" Calvin spits out getting angry and annoyed. She twirls the machete around in her hands jumping in at other walkers, Rick and the others smirk in pride towards her " That's my girl" Rick says proudly. Later, they're all in different hallway, Daryl shoots a arrow though a walker's head killing head. Oscar slams his axe down on top of a walker's head killing it as another walker stalks around the corner. Rick stalks forward shoving his knife though a walker's head killing it. " Stay in tight formation. No more prison riot crap" Rick tells them firmly. Tiny is backing away from the others before backing u into walker's as they snarl at him. He pushes one away but another one comes up behind and slices him. Calvin jabs her knife though one of the walkers, Tomas shots the second one behind her.

Calvin and Tomas glare at each other. Tiny shows them the blood on his had, Calvin stares at the blood and then up to him. As he pleads that he doesn't feel anything, Tomas comes up swinging a weapon hitting him in the head knocking him to the floor killing him. He swings the weapon over and over again killing Tiny. Tomas stands upward panting heavily, his face covered in blood. Calvin glares at him in pure red hot anger and rage. Tomas glares at her walking away.


Daryl, T-dog and Calvin are leading the prisoners down another hallway. Rick is walking in the rear of the group. They walk into the laundry room. They make their way across the room stopping at another door hearing snarling from behind it, Rick tosses the keys to Tomas. As Tomas unlocks the door everyone readies their weapons, Calvin spins around her machete in her hands. The door sticks not opening. " I got this" Tomas tells them. He yanks hard opening both doors allowing the snarling walkers to stalk into the room. " I SAID ONE DOOR!!" Calvin yells out in anger " SHIT HAPPENS, FREAK!" Tomas yells back. Calvin swings her machete slicing a walker across the head killing it. Daryl fires a arrow into another one's head. They all start hitting the walkers one at a time taking out several. Tomas takes a chance swinging his weapon narrowly missing Calvin's head as she ducks out of the way. She stands back up tilting her head showing pure murderous rage in her eyes. He grabs a walker throwing it into her sending her to the floor, Rick pulls the walker off her and jabs his machete into it's head killing it. " It was coming at me, freak" Tomas says " Yeah, Yeah I get it. I get it. Shit happens." They glare at each other, Calvin narrows her eyes showing the pure rage in them, she swings her machete around stabbing it right into Tomas's head " NO!!" Andrew yells out. Tomas falls to his knees, Calvin kicks him in the chest taking her machete out, the body falls to the floor. She kicks Andrew in the chest sending him down. Andrew jumps up running out of the room, Rick chases after him.


" Spence!! Spence!!" Avery yells out. Spencer run's into the block and towards Hershel's cell gently pushing Beth gently out of the way, kneeling over him. She places her ear against Hershel's chest. She places his mouth on Hershel's starting CPR. Beth is whimpering as Rosita takes her into her arms. Spencer pumps Hershel's chest over and over again, then going back to breathing into his mouth until Hershel gasps awake opening his eyes.

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