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Maggie and Rosita are standing on look out talking when they see two figures running towards the community with walkers snarling behind them. "OPEN THE GATE!!! OPEN THE GATE NOW!!!!" Calvin yells out making them both climb down the ladder to the gate opening it as Calvin and Rick shoulder slam two walkers falling to the ground before -getting back up quickly and running again and into Alexandria and the gate is slammed closed. Calvin and Rick are panting heavily, sweat dripping off their foreheads as Maggie and Rosita throw their arms around Calvin hugging her tight making Calvin hug them back. " What the hell happened?" Maggie asks "We got another problem, that's what" Calvin says. Everyone looks at the father, daughter duo wondering what their talking about. Later as everyone places wooden beams against the walls, people are gathered around in the street as Rick and Calvin makes their way down the street. Jessie glances at Rick. " You can hear it. Some of you saw it. They got back here, half of them." Rick says " Still enough to surround us 20 deep. We know you're scared. You haven't seen anything like this." Calvin says making Maggie and Rosita look at each other " You haven't been though anything like this but we're safe now. The panel the truck hit seems intact. We reinforced it just in case." Rick says " Either way, the wall's gonna hold together. Can you?" Calvin says then asks


Jessie is walking down the street when she stops looking at a window of one of the houses. She slowly walks up the stairs when a walker snarls banging on the window. She sees cuts on the walkers wrists revealing that the woman killed herself. A woman screams as Tobin and Calvin runs up, Calvin sighs walking up the stairs unsheathing her machete. " I got it" Calvin says " Cal...." Jessie trails of making Calvin smile opening the door and slowly walking to the house. A few seconds later, a slicing sound is heard and she walks back out the house sheathing her machete. She looks out to the people who's watching her with tear filled eyes. " When this started, I didn't want to see the way things are now. It's not that I didn't want to. This is what life looks like now. You have to see it. We have to fight it. If you don't fight, you die." Calvin tells them " I got the body, Cal" Tobin tells her making Calvin nod walking off the porch and back down the street.

NIGHT- The Espinosa- Greene- Grimes house

Calvin walks into her house after being relived off look out duty. She sighs kicking off her shoes and walks up stairs. She goes and checks on the twins seeing they were sleeping peacefully without a care in the world, Calvin walks up to the twin kissing their foreheads. " I love you both so so much. I wish you both and you sister didn't have to be raised in this world but I promise that no matter what happens I'm gonna protect you all." Calvin whispered to them before leaving the room and moving to Oakley's room. When she enters, she sees Oakley sitting up in her toddler crib. When Oakley sees her she squeals out in happiness making Calvin chuckle and smile at her " Hey, princess, what are you doing up. Huh?" Calvin says " Dada, dada, dada" Oakley coos making Calvin move towards her before picking her up and walks towards the rocking chair. " Come on, princess. Go to sleep" Calvin whispers to her but Oakley just coos making Calvin sigh before she starts singing softly " So, bye, bye, Miss American pie. Drove my Chevy to the Levee, but the Levee was dry And them good old boys were drinking whiskey in Rye Singing ' This'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die" Calvin sings softly and looks to her daughter seeing her asleep before getting up and gently places Oakley back into her crib and just watches her sleep " It's been a while since we're heard your voice." Maggie speaks up softly making Calvin spin around seeing her wives looking at her with a loving look making Calvin let out a chuckle. " Yeah, I know" Calvin says as she moves towards her wives kissing both of them. " Come on lets head to bed" Rosita says " I gotta take a shower" Calvin tells them making Maggie and Rosita look at each other before turning back to Calvin with smirks "what?" Calvin asks making Maggie and Rosita grab Calvin pulling her -into -the bathroom before stripping out of their clothes teasing Calvin making her groan before she starts stripping as Maggie and Rosita start making out with each other. They pull a part before turning swaying their hips walking into the shower " God you two are going to be the death of me" Calvin groans out feeling herself get hard making Maggie and Rosita giggle at her.

( Author's Note: Okay I just had to put in the little moments with Calvin and her kids since I don't have any of that and I wanted to tease you guys with that last part. But I was wondering since this book has over 10k views if you guys wanted me to put smut from now on or just one of the chapters have a smut part in it)

( This is an old chapter that never got republished)

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