Battle of Vale part 3

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The city of Vale was a warzone, just over 1 hour into the attack and it had become utter mayhem as the forces of remnant battles the aliens in desperate attempt to hold them back while civilians ran for their lives.

*A group of Soldiers ran through the streets only to be pinned down from Enemy fire.*

*A defensive line of police cars was smashed through by a Sirian Werebull causing chaos as the defenders ran fought a fighting withdrawal while alien forces swarmed through.*

*In Live phone recording a man ran through the streets of down town Vale the sounds of screams echoing through the halls when suddenly a female Gnaar burst through a alley and pounces onto the man as he drops his scroll the only thing been seems is his legs flailing around in panic as his screams ring out while blood spreads through the floor until it goes to static.*

*A Group of white fangs members are whole up inside a building firing through windows at on coming alien forces until suddenly the door burst open as a large group of Skeleton creatures rushes through slaughting them as they tried to fight back.*

*Vale highway*

"MOVE UP MOVE UP!!" The Officer shouts out to his men causing them to to rush forward only to be gunned down but fire from above as the survivors ran back to their original positions

"Sir!!" The 2nd in command shouted "We can't push forward with them controlling the upper highway, we're sitting ducks out here!!"

The Officer looked at him for a moment before grumbling in annoyance as he knew he was right.

when the invasion started the aliens were quick to take the main highway giving them a vantage point to other parts of the city and now he had spent the last hour trying to take it back but to no avail suffering heavy casualties in the process.

"Well the fuck do we do then??" The Officer asked

"We could try pulling back sir." The Captain said 

The Officer looked at him shocked at this "And leave this part of the city to the aliens are you fucking joking."

"Sir yo....." The Officer yelled 

"Soldier we are taking back this damn highway and that is final, we have our orders!!" The Officer shouted 

"Sir we have no chance of taking this spot its to heavily defended we sending our selves into a a fucking meatgrinder with no goal." The Captain argued back 

"We..." The officer was going to say but instinctivly ducked under the cinder block he was hiding under from gun fire 

Looking looking over the barricade he saw the clone Soldier firing onto him from the above. 

Quickly taking out his pistol he fired two shots at the clone Soldier hitting twice once in the chest and the other in the head sending it falling backwards on to the floor. 

Looking back at the captain he spoke again "As i was saying, we do have a goal we just need to wait for reinforcements." He said 

The Captain looked at him quite surprised as he asked "We getting backup??"

The officer nodded "Last i heard from Ironwood Antvils bakery and decka street was over was overrun minutes ago and what remains of the 31st attack battalion along with who ever was with them is coming up to support us." 

"Oh....shit." The captain said 

"Yes..Now all we need to do is...." The officer said when

"INCOMING!!!" An Atlas Soldier screaming before a bullet hit him right in the sending him to the floor 

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