Time Off

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The Group Walked forwards laughing and joking (Coco wasn't) As they moved by Sun saying "You know..for a base built of a war, its far from i expected." 

"Well what, just beacuse base doesn't mean we can't have it look nice atleast." Nora said with a smile 

"Yeah well i guess thats true." Sun responded as they looked around "Well where are going first."

"We'll first we got to show you the bunk beds." Yang said "Cause not gonna lie those are some of the comfiest things on the face of the earth." 

"Yeah they sound like it." Sun said "By the way explaining them they sound like their some wonder land of sleep." 

"Yeah your god damn right...they are." Nora said "I don't think ive ever slept so comfy in my entire life." 

"You got that Right." Jaune told her 

"I can safely say it is comfy." Yatsuhashi said 

"Jesus Christ, you guys are making it sound like its a damn castle or some shit holy shit." Sun said 

"Yeah trust me you gonna love it mate." Neptune said 

"Well then by all means show me the road guys." Sun said 

"As you wish." Sage said in a fake butler tone causing everyone to laugh as they moved forward towards the beds 

*15 minutes of walking later.*

As they Walked forwards towards the beds Sun couldn't help but noticed nice white clean walls and floor that looked utterly spotless with not a hint of muck.

"Man who ever cleans this place must be getting paid huntsman level or utter clean freak." Sun joked 

"Yeah you know thats what we said when we first arrived here." Jaune said 

"Correction thats what you Neptune, Nora and Yang said." Fox said 

"Aye why you got a single us out like that." Neptune said 

"Cause it was you lot who said it." Weiss said 

"Wait did you....did they all say the exact same thing?" Sun asked with a small smile on his face 

"No no no...well i don't think they did." Blake said "I just know they were all basically saying the same thing."

"Oh....cool." Sun said with a chuckle 

The Other just laughed while the 4 just grumbled annoyed at being roasted like this. 

"Anyway." Neptune said trying to move along from said roasting "We should be reaching the sleeping quarters right about...now." 

As he said this he pointed down the corridor causing them to look and see a long hallway with tons of Doors. 

"Damn...thats a long ass hallway." Sun said 

"Well their is a lot of people that live here Sun." Weiss said "And its important that we give them all a play to stay and sleep when not working or doing tasks." 

"Though i assume you bitched about until you got the best room." Sun said mockingly 

"WHAT...I...N..FUCK YOU!!" Weiss yelled flipping him off while the others just laughed 

"Holy shit Weiss just swore...get your cameras people this is history we're witnessing right now." Fox added with his own snicker 

Weiss meanwhile just grumbled red. 

Coco then spoke up saying "Hey...we gonna show him or what."

"Oh yeah we we're weren't we" Nora said clicking her finger "I knew i forgot Somthing."

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