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Izuku leaned against the wall, his eyes following their every movement, analyzing everything as they went. Izuri ducked, dodging a punch, before punching Shigaraki in the abdomen twice and pushing him back. Shigaraki sent a kick at his head and Izuri blocked it with his arms before going for a counter.

"Switch," Izuku called out.

In a split second, Izuri dropped down and slid between Shigaraki's legs, quickly getting back to his feet. He grabbed Shigaraki by the neck, trying to bring him to the ground but the man broke free and flipped Izuri over his shoulder to slam him into the ground.

However, Izuri twisted his body out of his hold and cartwheeled into a standing position. Izuri started to throw rapid yet powerful strikes and Shigaraki countered and blocked every single one. In a final move, Izuri's arm became ten times stronger and he sent a final blow, finally knocking Shigaraki to the ground.

Izuku glanced at his phone, "Time,"

He pushed off the wall and walked over holding out his hand and pulling Shigaraki to his feet, "You both did well,"


Shigaraki grabbed a towel and wiped his forehead, "Couldn't you have fought him instead?" he panted.

"That would have yielded no results, the way we think is identical so we fight the same way. Seeing him fight you benefits the three of us, I can see where we need to improve and where you need to improve," Izuku explained briefly.

"Hm, I guess that makes sense,"

Izuri grabbed Izuku's arm and placed it on his head making Izuku laugh a bit and pat his head, "You did really well today, I'm so proud,"

Izuri excitedly bounced from the praise and happily hugged Izuku's waist, Izuku resting an arm around him.

Kurogiri entered the training room, "Lunch is ready, why don't you call it a day?"


They left the room and Izuri stretched before grabbing Izuku's hand, and swinging them as he hummed. Shigaraki cracked his neck with a yawn, trailing behind them lazily, impatiently wanting to play his game.

"Shiggy shiggy can I play the game with you?" Izuri gave him pleading eyes.

Shigaraki scratched his stomach, "If you can find another intact controller,"

"I just bought a set the other day," Izuku combed through Izuri's hair.

"Shiggy played Ring of Obligation last night," Izuri giggled.

(Ok I don't think anyone can get this one)

Izuku gave the man a blank look, "You have gloves, start using them,"

Shigaraki sucked his teeth, "It was an accident," he mumbled as he looked away.

"This is why I stopped getting you things, you're too irresponsible," Izuku sat at the bar with Izuri.

Shigaraki took a seat, "You are not my dad, cut it out," he rolled his eyes.

"At this point, I might as well be,"

"Kurogiri are you hearing this?" Shigaraki turned to him as he gave them their plates.

"He does have a point Tomura, he raised you much better than we were able to,"

"You do know he's a kid right?" Shigaraki deadpanned.

"You do know you aren't right?" Izuku said just as dryly.

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