More and More People

729 24 13

I'm lazy

Happy late 4th of July


 Akaza- 1st person 

I ended up talking to one of the medics, which I'm honestly grateful for. I never found an interest to talk to or even watch heroes. Douma was always the one to turn on the news and watch the hero's work. Personally, I found it quite annoying, but I really did like that Douma was showing some interest in things other than letting other people control him. Not- not that it matters or anything. Douma can do whatever the fuck he wants for all I care...

"And that all that happened in the fight...?" The medic asks me, clipboard in hand. I can read pen/pencil movements to see what people are writing without looking at the paper, but this guys writing style was so bad I couldn't even get a single word of whatever the fuck he wrote. Which was a little annoying... Just a little...

"Uhhh- yea, that's it," I say shrugging. I haven't talked to anyone else here other than Douma, who personally worships every word I say and doesn't get offended by anything, and maybe a classmate to ask a question. Other than that my social skills suck. 

"Wonderful... may I ask what your quirk is?" The guy says again, his dark green eyes squinting in suspicion. 

"Uh- what does that have to do with what happened to the civilians?" I ask. The guy's smile drops and his eyes soften. This guy sucks at hiding emotions. I just wonder what he would do with that type of information. All this guy knows is that I can run fast. 

"Oh~ I was just wondering, my apologies for stepping in your boundaries." He says giving a soft nod in apology. I roll my eyes, and the guy seemed to notice because I could see the tick mark on his head. He was decent at lying, he just gave himself away with his facial expressions. 

"Great... well you got injured people to help soooo-" I took a step back, away from the medic. Whatever weird secret organization this guy had fallen into I wanted no part. The medic took a step towards me, reaching out his arm while asking me to wait. I froze when he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. 

Hell no

"Let go of him, He and I need to talk"  I sigh, thank the fucking lord someone showed up because I really don't want to deal with this obsessed medic. The guy let go of my wrist, bowing to both of us and walking away. My wrist had a band of dark bruises from where the guy had grabbed me. They slowly faded away, healing, but I was getting hungry with all this unnecessary healing.

"You." He says again from behind me. I turn around to come face to face with the flame hero I had seen in the fight. I deadpan, why couldn't it be Jirou or something? Just another person to deal with.

This hero, like most others I've seen had a lot of stubbornness. I look him up and down with a stare. He could tell, judging by the long glare he gave me. This man, hero or not, definitely has strong willpower. Just not one of pure intentions like the flame Hasira Kyojuro.

One of my brows raises "Me?" I try to hurry the conversation. 

"Yes," I turn to face him, craning my neck to look at him in the eyes. "I wanted to know your intentions on why you broke the law." He says

"Broke the law..." I repeat, tick marks forming on my forehead. Was that all he was worrying about, some kid breaking the law to save civilians? How dare this guy come up to ME, and talk about breaking the law? This guy had caused more property damage than a normal demon could do in a night.

"What do YOU know about breaking the law" I (criminal offensive side eye) glare at him, placing a hand on my hip instinctively. A habit I do a lot when I'm annoyed.

"Excuse me!?" His Flames grow in rage. We were getting attention from a lot of the people around us as the flame hero's anger grew.

Yet I didn't cower, this guy's rage was nothing compared to the torture Lord Muzan could cause. The only thing this guy was doing at the moment was ruining his hero reputation.

Another person, I assume a hero sidekick rushes up to us. Saying something about me being tired or injured from running around and pushing me away to the sidewalk. I ended up just walking away after having a staring contest with him, just saying I won and am still the official winner. Just saying.

Jirou was talking to a hero. Not one I recognize, but definitely a hero. Tall blonde hair and glasses from what I could tell. He had the same style as Jirou, so it might be a "meet your idol"  type of conversation. She noticed me staring and looked over. I waved at her, giving a small smile before walking away. Nothing I love more than being mysterious to people.

I entered an ally, walking through to another street. I check my phone that had appeared in my jacket pocket. 11:12 am it read. I freeze, I had left the house at 10:27 am. How did the time go by so fast!?

I ended up sprinting the whole way to the store and back to the house. The store was small and quite empty so it wasn't a big deal that I quite literally ran in. 


"Douma?" I ask opening the door to our shared apartment. I threw the keys on the small table next to the door and took off my jacket. The lights had been turned off and it was way too silent. I swear if Douma did a jumpscare on me or one of those stupid pranks I'm punching his face off. 

"Hello?" I call out again tying the jacket around my waist. The door behind me slams shut and I jump, spinning around into a defensive stance. Like every horror film, nothing was there to close the door. 

"Douma if you jump scare me or pull a stupid prank your sleeping on the couch. Sick or not" I say standing up and turning back to the direction of the living room. 

It was too silent for this to be Douma's type of gay jumpscares. This just didn't make sense. I may be overthinking this, yes, but this type of situation is just something Douma never found fun so he just never set things up like this. The lights flash on, blinding me for a second. There in the living room, 3 people were sitting on the couch. They all had masks on and were glaring at me. Douma lay on the floor, blood pooling around him. His face was directly looking at the floor so I couldn't see his facial expression. 

"Sorry," one of them said "But "Douma" is no longer with us."

Well, shit.


 Cliff hanger lol

I have no clue where this is going but I'm sure I will figure it out. 

Yes, the flame hero was Endeavor, because what better hero to meet first is Endeavor? 

happy days happy smiles

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