Chapter Fourteen: He's Changed

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Axl's POV.:

We were just chilling after practicing a few songs, talking about going on tour and shit like that.

"Hey, Duff? Has Ray written the music yet?" Slash asked Duff.

"Well, she is working on it." he replied.

"Oh, cool. Just tell her she can take her time, she doesn't have to rush it." Izzy smiled.

"Will do !" Duff said.

"Axl ! I got a question for ya." Steven spoke.

"What's up?" I wondered.

"I- well, we all noticed you act less agressive torwards people. Why's that?" he questioned. "and I mean it's not a bad thing, I was just wondering." he quickly added.

Shit, well, I guess I should tell 'em. There's no point at hiding it now. I thought.

"So…" I began to speak, staring at the ground. "I may or may not have feelings for a girl, and she made me calm down, to points where I also don't drink that much anymore so that's progress I guess." I smiled to myself, just thinking about her.

"And who would that girl be?" Slash wondered.

Well, here it goes. I thought.

"I-it's Ray…" I said in a nervous tone. I was worried how they would react, especially Duff, I mean, it's his younger sister.

"WHAT?!" Duff said, shocked.

"Yeah…" I mumbled.

"My sister, my fucking sister. Oh shit." he said as he got up and started pacing around the room.

I looked at him. "I wanted to tell you first, I didn't want you to yell at me." I spoke.

He just stopped and stared at me.

"What?" I asked, a bit nervous.

"Well, we can all deffinetly tell that you're less agressive and all that, so I suppose you being around her really changed you a lot and it's for the better, so…" he talked as he started pacing around the room again. "I will talk to you tomorrow about all this. This is quite a bit to take in." he continued.

"That's very understandable." I said.

"It's 10 PM guys, we should get going." Izzy stated.

We all said goodnight to eachother and went our separate ways. I was happy at least the guys were aware of it now, and I'm glad Duff didn't beat my ass.

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