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The world was masked through smoke, a haze would follow with no trails of what would be used to determine the reality which seemed to be strayed away in mist. The reality was unreachable, a mere thought which seemed too unreal. Though, one could try, no doubt. Kill the target, grab the chance which occurred, seize the second when things went frenzy. But can the control be kept? The limited freedom which was given to individuals through a connection was always an enigma. A mystery to be unravelled through the sinful temptation of curiosity.

(Y/n) (L/n) made two mistakes in her lifetime. Both as fatally promising to each other.

And when it was time to glance at the future, the past pulled her into silver webs.

"Well, isn't this a sight? I wasn't expecting the mastermind of demise to meet me here." Despite being wrapped up with bindings which were tight against fragile wrists and ankles, her voice wasn't bitter. Nor was it resentful as it should've been. Maybe she just didn't register her situation yet. The concept of death was a far fetched idea. Unheard of, unseen of. But it was possible to fall into eternal silence and darkness. Be a victim to the dark, become friends with the shadows which lurked behind.

The individual gazed behind the bars which seemed to be slammed shut. Through the thin, straight cracks was an innocent criminal- if one could call any criminal that. But (Y/n) looked anything but a criminal with that casual demeanor which had followed perhaps since birth. It was the key to survival. Stressing out was a pain, led to reckless paths and desperate situations. The woman learned that the very difficult way.

Silence followed the cell, making the woman hum in slight impatience as she tilted her head. It wasn't like she needed any answers anymore. It was just that she wanted to see exactly what she missed throughout. "Not gonna speak, huh?" Stepping closer, she layed two hands on the rough bars which contained her in, and layed forward to gaze at unseen eyes. It was too dark to see the person behind the curtains of enigma, the one who seemed to have taken the oath to ruin her life in a single strike. Though, she wondered what the curtain of hellish fire and intelligence sparked beneath the thin slits.

An annoyed sigh escaped hidden lips. "Why are you even worried when you know how it'll end?" The individual finally spoke up. It was a silent but assured mumble. But, really, who was the one being assured? The mastermind themselves or her, who stood oblivious to much complicated situations? (Y/n) choose the life one would find rather complicated. But she never complained about the world itself.

She chuckled at the words, shaking her head before her laugh ran out. Her throat was barely able to laugh, anyways. All joys she had faded when she realized things weren't as normal as they seemed. A shattering silence followed, almost as if a timebomb was ticking close to them. But perhaps, they were those two timebomb themselves. Just two souls with such different perspectives. "How much of a bad person do you think I am?" She titled her head at the cold question, eyes turning darker in the dim light. Every light in her eyes threatened to flicker away and fade to the sky. Somewhere far, where no one could find it and try to destroy it. "What assumptions made you think that this was what I wanted?"

A click of tongue was barely heard but there seemed to be no emotions behind them. "What makes you think I'm doing this because it's something you wanted?" It wasn't a mocking question. It was more of a statement which wanted to be sent to her mind. That despite whatever, the one who has the upper hand would be the first to strike and win. It wasn't that she didn't try to have to have the upper hand. And for a second of delusion, she could've sworn she did. But whatever layed behind made her falter so bad that she had stumbled even before she started to take the first step.

"Not much time is left, you know?" The voice declared, and the (h/c)-haired woman could sense the eyes shift to the side. A show would unfold. A static silence would follow. Fall under the melody and be led to demise. That was the rule applied. She wasn't sure if she was happy that she wasn't going to meet the same fate. Or should she mourn that the sinner had been the winner at last?

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