Chapter Three: Threatening Letters

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"You could've informed me of the meeting at least two days ago, sir."

(Y/n) was already having the worst week of her life. The stress of the job and the meeting with Jade made her want to take a break from life itself. But obviously, in no world were bosses ever nice. Not even nice, just decent. And out of all bosses in this forsaken world, the (h/c)-haired woman had the worst of them all. Carter. The exact man who she was staring with her not-so-silent anger as he sat across from her. Her tired eyes were waiting for him to finally speak.

The man ran a hand through his neat white hair, not looking up from his papers. He had this crease of worry between his eyebrows which subtly surprised her. He was never a reactionary or expressive person. Perhaps, even he was tired of work. "You think this careless behaviour is of my cause?" He rhetorically asked, not expecting a response as he didn't even bother looking up at her. "Even I got to know about it this morning. Otherwise, why would I let anyone like you step into the meeting a day before, with no preparation?"

He just has to insult me everytime, doesn't he? Is there masochistic written on my forehead?! She wanted to say but wisely choose to clench her jaw until it started to ache from the pressure. (Y/n) inhaled, forgetting about to anger of her insult, or at least, trying to. She was too tired to be angry for too long, anyways. "May I ask what exactly is this meeting about? To prepare, you know." She spat out the last sentence, and it surely didn't go unnoticed.

But Carter was unbothered. But he was kind enough to answer her question. "I heard there have been some changes in the Connectors. The discussion has been going on for a while, but for now, everything has been kept too secretive." He mumbled the last sentence more to himself than her, but she managed to catch them. It struck up curiosity in her as she innocently tilted her head. That was news to her too.

"Well, that's some news. I hope it won't bother my work, though." It better not. I'm not sacrificing my sleep anymore... She clenched her eyes slightly at the thought.

He gazed up at her. She caught the slight signs of holding back in his gaze before eventually, he sighed and gave into his thoughts. "Well, Ms. (Y/n), I don't really think luck is on your side this one." She raised an eyebrow out of question, ushering him to elaborate on his vague wordings. "Well, let's just say, times are changing." He began in a monotonous tone, as if he was a professor about to lecture her.

Carter crossed his legs over one over another as he gazed at her thoughtfully, golden hues softening to a certain degree. "From what I suspect, the change will directly affect your department. Since, as you are aware, the Kemblers are getting more clever with their tricks. Thus, it's been getting hard to provide the perfect protection to the whole place." He looked up, golden eyes gauging her silent reaction. She seemed to be stuck in an inner turmoil, he noted.

"Well, if that's the case..." She mumbled, darting her eyes around in thoughts before speaking up, "This can go two ways. One, they introduce some new advanced technologies and tricks. That way, this meeting can be about us adapting to them. Or..." She trailed off, the hardened look in her eyes was enough of an indication for him that their thoughts matched. That had him impressed for half a second. But then again, it was nothing new considering the fact she was skilled in the department. And working in this field, you were supposed to be analytical.

"The meeting is at eleven am sharp. Don't be tardy and come on time, Ms. (Y/n)." He declared, hand reaching out for some papers. It wasn't before he noticed that the woman in front of him was still frozen in her place. In fact, her shoulders were stiffened and tense. Carter saw the drastic change in her usually cheerful eyes. They turned thoughtful, conflicted, in fact. It had the white-haired man thinking about why she was so stuck on his words.

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