Chapter Four: Bloodied Tiles

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Time felt all quiet and silent when morning came. The blinds were still open, the sun ushering her to wake up and not even dreams were strong enough to pull her in them. Instead, she was forced to wake up by nature itself. Even when she came to consciousness, fully awake, she didn't dare to open her eyes. She was so desperate to force herself back to sleep so that she didn't have to face whatever was going to happen today. But even so, no sleep came, as she found herself grunting in   annoyance already.

I never thought I'd hate a morning so much. And it hasn't even started yet... She sulked, staring at her ceiling blankly. She has absolutely no desire to get up and go for work. She searched for her phone on the bed. She frowned when she saw how late it was. There were a couple of missed calls from Nova and Oliver. Probably about asking if she was coming today or not. She sighed and threw her phone back before sitting up. It's okay if I'm late. Carter wouldn't be harsh on me since it's my first time being late...or maybe he'd kill me.

She sighed, forcing herself to get up from the bed. The more I stall things, the worse things will get. She lectured herself, not still not finding an ounce of motivation. Even without trying her eyes found themselves stuck on the shelf where the letter was tucked away carelessly. As stupid as it sounded, she could feel it burning it's presence to her. The woman got up to freshen up, grimacing when she realized that she didn't even bother to change her clothes last night before falling asleep.

The water felt cold underneath her skin as (Y/n) splashed it on her face to wake up. Her usually warm skin felt frozen as she did so. She couldn't help but gaze herself pitifully in the mirror. A reflection was looking back at her but she almost didn't recognise it. I haven't looked this bad since highschool... She shook her head, water droplets falling off her bangs and hitting the sink. Not even a day and I look like I've lost all hope. Her thoughts ruined her mood more than before.

Well, I can't deny the inevitable. She reasoned to herself as she walked out of the bathroom after brushing. Even though she was late for work, she couldn't find it herself to make the process of getting ready quicker. In fact, she felt more sluggish as before as she put on her blue blazer on. Walking into her room, she paused near the shelf, eyes piercing back with tiredness and hatred.

With an inhale, she swiftly reached out to pluck the letter off the shelf. Meeting Jade was the worst mistake ever but I have a feeling things could get worse... She was going to speak to Carter today. And even though her evidence was little, she had no choice in hand. She'd be trapped from both sides if she didn't tell. And as optimistic as she tried to be, cheered herself by thinking they'd favour her. And if they didn't...

She shook her head, pushing back the feeling of the worst. "Very curious I was to know what lied beyond death...guess I'll know if that happens..." Her bitter joke didn't cheer her up. Not many people died. Not without a reason.

Whoever died was meant to be a criminal or a victim.

(Y/n) wondered what the world would look at her as if she died soon.


"She not picking up my calls, neither is she seeing my texts." Nora sighed for the hundredth time that morning. Silently, she pocketed her phone as she stared outside in wondering. "It isn't like Ms. (Y/n) to miss work, at least, not without any notice." She titled her head, eyes on the door as if they would bust open any second. The morning had been rather peaceful, they didn't have alot to deal with. It struck to her as strange as usually, they'd be swamped with work. But today, things were going far too perfect for a normal day.

Oliver was unbothered as he was checking the system and ran through for any errors. He hummed in agreement but didn't look her way. "I wonder too." He simply said before going back to his work. On the other hand, he was also busy with the weekly report. "I can only wonder how mad Carter would be. Then again, he seems to hate her for no reason." He casually muttered.

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