Chapter Five: Rising Tensions

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The night stole away the light in it's mist, dark and murky shadows spilling from wall to wall. Velvety blues scattered across the sky into waves, the moon being the lone audience to the show of the darkness. The stars seemed to have lacked their cluster tonight, dimly lighting up the life poured into the sky. The town wasn't always this gloomy, but tonight, it was devoid of any human on the streets. Lights were dimmed into the silence and melted into the whole city. A man found himself walking along the streets with slow steps.

It's so late. I shouldn't have worked so late today... Adam thought to himself, clutching his brown bag a little tighter as his dark blue eyes tried their best to adjust themselves to the darkness surrounding him. Even the crickets didn't bother to hum their tune which was often heard in the absence of silence. Screw my useless degree! Even working at such a lavish place, I have to work so late into the hour. He was nothing but an average man, but with a job which rarely anyone had. The job which many yearned for in their dreams. The Connectors.

It had been just over a year since Adam joined the company. Once overjoyed with pure sense of victory on scoring himself a seat at such a place was now nothing but a bitter taste on his tongue. It was no easy job, despite the pay being great. He rubbed his forehead, shaking the thoughts away as he continued his journey to his home. It feels like I've been walking for hours. He huffed, frowning in annoyance. It had only been ten minutes but he was more than eager to go home and rest. Especially after such a hectic day.

But perhaps, fate had some other plans for him. No doubt, he would get home, but under much different circumstances than he thought.

After all, not even darkness could conceal monsters. The human instincts were sharp, sharp enough to detect the presence of someone and sense the sword of danger when it's hanging upon one.

A chilled breezed crawl towards the man's spine, slowly creeping up to his neck to raise the tiny hair on his body. His head jerked behind him, slowly blinking as his eyes sharpened by instincts. What the hell was that? Though, he saw nothing, his body felt it. Felt the presence of an unknown individual. But even if he waited, all that was met was tranquility and calmness. But not all calmness were serene. Some brought storms, some brought much worse.

I should get home fast. He continued on his path with steady steps, eyes darting side by side to every alley in caution. Adam tried to reassure himself, forced his body to stop it's fear of something unknown. Just a few steps more and I'd be home. He told himself as he jogged, the street was still lifeless and not a breath was heard. But the body doesn't lie, they say. It knows what it feels, and rarely is it ever wrong.

Lilac purple eyes held a silent yet careful gaze down. The wind was cold, a chilled breeze running down his exposed neck but he payed it no mind. His eyes were fixated, never leaving the form of the anxious man who was eager to go home and forget his paranoia which clung onto him like a shadow. How pitiful he was, betraying his instincts for the sake of the word they call logic. Something which sometimes deceives itself just for one to ruin his life for all that.

Something buzzed on his phone but he ignored it. How persistent. He held a sigh back before focusing his gaze on his target. I guess I should stop stalling now. The man thought, pulling up his hood as he stared at the distance from the roof to the ground. The distance, for most normal people, was not manageable. But for him, it was like a piece of cake. He swiftly jumped down from the roof before he safely landed on the ground with a thud. He didn't even bother hiding his presence in front of the man.

There was little to no emotions on the purple-eyed man. But contradicting to the paranoid man who already had his suspicion, his reaction was the opposite. The man stumbled back quickly before shouting, "Who are you?! And where did you come from?" The other man shrugged carelessly, not paying mind to the drastic reaction as he tilted his head up to the roof. Adam followed his gaze up with trembling eyes. The distance was alot. How did this stranger get up there and then jump from there with ease?

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