Chapter 16

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Sunday 21.00

Pippa had been stuck behind her computer for the last few hours. She had been living on the many protein bars in the house, even though Cara and Ravi had told her to get something more sustainable. She looked all over social media and websites to gather even the slightest information on Naomi's old friend. When she thought she had the correct account and scrolled through the posts, it turned out to be another dead end.

She tipped her head back and groaned, frustrated with how much work this cost and the time it took. It was like Milly Simpson was a ghost. She even logged into Naomi's account after searching the entire room for the password.

Naomi had all her passwords written down, in case she forgot them. But alas, she didn't get a single correct lead. She just hoped Cara and Ravi had more luck calling everyone in Naomi's contacts if they knew something. 

Pippa spun around in the chair and grabbed the landline telephone along the way. If she wasn't coming anywhere and she'd been working for four hours, she might as well call her mom. 

Pippa bit the inside of her cheek as she heard the phone ring. After some time, the ringing stopped and was replaced by her mother's soothing voice. "Hello, this is Leanne Amobi, I couldn't catch your call, leave a message after the beep." Pip had dialed her work phone, thinking that's where her mother would be at this time of day. The loud beep filled the silence in Elliot's former workroom.

"Hey Mom, it's me, Pippa. I know we haven't been in touch for a while, but I'm in town and desperately need motherly advice. Call me back?" Pippa asked, her voice raising slightly at the end. "I love you, Josh and Dad. Bye." She hung up the phone.


"Are you sure this is gonna help?" Cara asked Ravi, a slight hint of irritation in her voice. She'd been calling all these random people in her sister's contacts, which she kept organized in a little book,  which didn't help. "Maybe we should go back." She offered. She'd much rather be with Pippa, but the fates hated her and decided she'd go with Ravi.

Ravi stuffed his hands in the pockets of the jacket that he brought with him. He glanced at the book in front the both of them. "Yeah, you're right. We're not getting anywhere." He watched as her shoulders slumped back in relief.

Cara grabbed the notebook and held it close when the two started walking back to her house. A small smirk was displaying on her lips. "You nervous?" She asked, turning her head to the side a little so she could face him without having to walk backward. She did that once and crashed into a person. That was how she met Steph. 

Ravi shot her a puzzled glance. "Nervous, why would I be nervous?" He asked, and Cara mentally facepalmed at his obliviousness.

"The whole baby situation thing?" She clarified with her hands spreading out. "Being back to solving crimes. Oh, and did I mention a child?" She said, raising her voice slightly. She sighed and pulled out her phone to text Pippa they were coming. 

Ravi's eyes lit up, and he said her name so suddenly, she jumped. "What?!" She snapped.

"Do you have a location thingy on your phone?" He asked with a bright smile. She looked at him like just confessed his undying love for cheese. "You know, you click on it and then little pictures of people pop up at their current location!" He explained, but his words were fast and Cara barely had time to comprehend what he said. 

When she did, it was like a little light was lit behind her eyes. Not wasting any time, she went to the Find My app and prayed to the gods she had enough internet to make the damn thing load. 

She didn't.

Cara let out a groan, pulling at her hair. She and Ravi only needed a second to glance at each other before running back to the house. They ran in, out of breath. Pippa'd opened the door a little when she got the text, positioning herself behind it in case any intruder would try to come inside. 

Cara was gasping for air, same for Ravi. But even though, she pulled out her phone and this time, the app did work. Pippa caught on to what they were doing and peered over her friend's shoulder. Her arm brushed against Ravi's for a second, but the latter pulled it back immediately, already feeling the familiar shivers that would even occur if Pippa's hand was a millimeter from him but, they'd agreed to pause things. He couldn't afford to get distracted. 

Cara had a smirk on her face, turning around to show her two friends. A little profile with a picture of the two sisters was hovering above some road just outside of Manchester. Pippa frowned at the phone and looked into Cara's eyes.

"Why would she be going to Manchester? You guys don't have any family there." Cara's face seemed to fall a little, but she quickly covered it up. She went upstairs to the detective board she insisted on having. On the way, she grabbed a photo of Naomi, holding her hat so it wouldn't blow off while they were sipping smoothies at a café. She pricked the photo onto the board and wrote the time of her last location plus the coordinates on a piece of paper. She pricked that piece onto the board as well and connected the two with a piece of red string.

"At least we have something," Cara told Pippa and Ravi when they joined her. "It's better than nothing." 

Words: 956

I know I haven't updated in a while, but this evening I felt a rush of inspiration while I was supposed to be asleep. I haven't checked it for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I'm stressed and sleep-deprived, so if you see any, please point them out so I can fix them. And please don't be a silent reader, your comments make my day!

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