"The Beginning"

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"Mel? Melissa? MELISSAAA!! Aren't you up yet?"

My mom's voice came storming through the kitchen. I woke up at once with a weary "waaat?!"

"A boy is waiting down here to see you"

And only then for once i returned to the reality after the total shitty mess i had gotten into. My mind was making last minute checks.

"Mel, this is not right. This is too low key."

"NO Mel, you gotta show him who you are. You are not a toy."

But then i made up my mind. I wailed out - "I will be down in two minutes"

I rushed through my daily chores - brushed my teeth, sang in the shower and made up my bed. i didn't feel like fussing over what clothes to wear like I usually did , because somewhere deep down, really really deep down i guess ( because it was not really enough to make me stop from going down) , the conscious more reliable Mel knew this was not right . This was gonna go nowhere. This still wont change my love for HIM. This wont get HIM back....

Anyways , i put on some skinny jeans and a basic pink top and let brown curls down freely . I looked cute. Oh yes i did. HOLY CRAP i did! I was one of the most prettiest girl in school( dont mean to brag sorry, i just like to convince myself that!). I can get whoever i want . I can go an a date with whoever i want.

But surely that excludes Daniel.

Huh, Daniel? He is just not worth it. ( I tried to convince myself)

There is no use lying yourself Mel(my mind had begun arguing again)

Its not like that it is too comp..

"Melissa! This guy is waiting down here for so long. COME DOWN QUICKLY!"

It was mom. I snapped right outta my thoughts , which was rare ( and i wouldnt have done so right now too if mom weren't screaming on top if her lungs ) , so i shouted back - " Coming mom! Urghh!"

As i reached the stairs, i saw him tapping his fingers impatiently, but to a soft tune. Expecting a lot out of today i guess. I felt bad for him. If only he knew this was moot. But i wasn't going to spoil it for him or for me. I deserved a shot at a new beginning. I craved for it. But nothing, not even this could give me what i craved for most. Daniel.

He looked at me when i reached the bottom of the stairs.Shane. He looked messy, with strands of his hair all pointing at weird directions. Messy, but cute. Well, he is worth a shot....

"Hey." He squeaked , and anybody could have seen that little jump he made in his seat.


"So you ready?"

"You bet"

"Ha. Great."

"Okay mom, see ya later."

"Enjoyy baby." mom replied in a tone which clearly meant be home early and dont try anything funny.

"Huh" was my brilliant response.

We got to his car outside. He opened the door to the passenger's seat for me and closed it as i tucked myself in. Once behind the wheel he he put on ' brgin again' by taylor swift on the stereo.

Oooh. So very classy...so very gent...

'Uhm..so..." he said mturning the volume down.


'Y-you were looking really p-pretty h-hot at that party last night'

omg! he is stuttering.Adorable

"Those earings actually pepped your look. They were really cute.'

he noticed!

' Hmm...hey.. can i like ... hold your hand?' he said, or rather asked , his cheeks all red and flushed.

Uh-oh. He asked for it!Wow! Decent person and how cute!

' I guess you should just keep you eyes on the road.' I said.

'Uh..alright.... i guess."

I almost smiled. I would have laughed at this little conversation of ours if my life hadnt been in a crisis right now.

There was no talking the rest of the drive. Shane let taylor swift's lyrics fill up the silence whilst i sunk into the hurry flurry of the events that led to this. I guess then i will be able to figure this shitty crap that i got myself into..........

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