Does He <3 Me?

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After having talked to Andy , my suspicion was confirmed. Something was wrong with Andy. Really wrong.

But definately , everything was wrong with all the guys at the party.....

I was helping myself to some chips and pizza when Trey appeared. He put his hand on top of mine and said,

'Where is Dre?'

' Why is everyone asking me the same thing??' I say, clearly a little irritated. A lot of that goes to Andy. 'I haven't seen him okay? '

' Hey don't be mad...Good Dre is not here...Would you like to dance with.. umm'

'Yeah? You sure want me to dance with you or would you rather take Dre ha?' I said , concluding my statement with a sarcastic laugh.

He chuckled.

'No my lady, please give me the very honour of dancing with you on MY VERY BIRTHDAY..Please?'

I laughed. ' Come on lets go.'

I mean Trey was very sweet and gent and flirty................................. but only when he wanted something from you. Anyways these little things keep happening.So i let myself go with it.

We danced for sometime. Trey was dancing a little closer than he should have been. Actually a hella lot closer. I could feel the heat turning up. All eyes lay on us. Watching us with a silent awe. And i am pretty sure it was not because we are such great great dancers ( okay don't tell this to anyone they may drop down laughing), but mostly because Trey literally had INVADED my personal space. We were so close ... ... he was about to... and the song ended. Whoa that was close, in all senses. I moved away from him immediately.

Everybody , AND I MEAN EVERY GUY ON THE FLOOR, was laughing and cheering....and Trey was blushing. He was all red and flushed.

'Boy kiss her.' said one guy.

'Yeah Trey!'

'Go for it.'

Tired of the happenings, I came out of Trey's house and sat on the bench outside waiting for Dre to come out at his own sweet time and voila! He came out, straight towards me.

'Think about the devil and he appears. Somehow i could not find you through the whole house and now when i need you , you come to me.' i said.

'We connect' I laughed my head off at that. 'So, why were you thinking about me huh? Some fling..'

'Ew , shut up.'

'So, party girl, why you out here? Its cold, here take my jacket.'

He handed it to me, because really, the strapless dress wasn't helping against the uneasy chill.


'Mel?' .., we both said together.

'You go first.' I said.

'Ah.. So here is the thing. I think..i have... falleninlovewithsomeone'

He said dang fast i could not a catch a single syllable.

'What? Say it again? You have?'

' I have fallen in love with someone'

I started laughing hard... He looked at me , skeptical. I stopped, looked at his expression, and started laughing again.

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