Chapter 2

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He woke up to his alarm blaring noise at five in the morning, slamming his fist on it until it shut up. He groaned, flipping over to see the alarm clock and knew he had to get up. He sat up on the edge of the bed and unplugged his phone, going to the bathroom with it. He brushed his teeth and his hair before picking out some heavy metal to listen to as he showered, filling the bathroom with steam. He got out and dried himself, wrapping a towel around his waist and using a second one to ruffle his hair. He looked in the mirror as he styled his hair the way he always has, then washed his face and applied his eyeliner as well as foundation to coverup his purple diamond mark. He went back to his room, sifting through his closet to find his work clothes; black pants with a white shirt and black tie. He struggled with the tie for a bit but managed to get it eventually, using the trick Morax had taught him many many years ago. He sighed thinking back to Morax, he missed him, he truly did; he had been gone for a while by now. In fact the last archon to be alive was Nahida, who taught him how to let go of his unfriendly ways and helped him adjust to his new life; she too was gone now but that was only 22 years ago. He shook his head, going downstairs to grab his keys and get into his car. He left his house and picked up a coffee from the local cafe as well as a muffin. He ate in his car, wanting to avoid the crowd and noise. Then off to his boring desk job he went, it was a 9 to 5 and even though he hated it, it got him a lot of money. This was his routine on the days he didn't have off, but one day he went to the library. The library was quiet, full of knowledge but not people; after all due to phones not many people read. He was sifting through the shelves, looking for something new to read although it was a bit difficult since he'd been alive all these years. He sighed as he was about to admit defeat, nothing peaked his interest in these shelves until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up at a man with long blonde hair, half of it in a ponytail, gazing down at him. Even in these years Xiao really hadn't grown, still pretty damn short, and so many people were taller than him.

"Ah sorry for interrupting you, but I saw you didn't find anything so I wanted to recommend something to you!" After saying this the blonde man grabbed a book from the very top and held it up, "Not many people read it, but I think it's rather fascinating. It's a thriller book about this girl that gets trapped in a forest-"

"You're right I haven't ever seen that, perhaps I will try to read it. Thank you." Then Xiao reached for the book and took it from the blonde man's hands, at least it would be something new.

"No problem, how about we exchange numbers so you can tell me what you think?" This dude was pretty smooth, using the book as a coverup to ask for Xiao's number. Well at least that's what Xiao thought but he pulled out his phone anyway, preparing to give out his number.


They exchanged numbers and that's how Xiao learned his name: Albedo. He tucked away his phone and began to walk to the front desk to check out the book, of course after he said goodbye to Albedo.

Next he stopped by the flower shop to buy a bouquet of cecilias and dandelions, in fact he was the reason the owner even got dandelions since he knew he would sell such a bouquet to Xiao a few times a week. He looked at the bouquet, trying to remember the face of the one he grieved but he just couldn't and that frustrated him. He took the bouquet and drove to the old gravesite, tombstones covered in moss and tourists looking at them. He went on his phone as it would be dark soon which meant the tourists would be going any moment now, and finally they all got in their cars and left. He exited his car, grabbing the bouquet and walking to the large gravestone that sat in the very middle. He knelt in front of it, tracing the name with his fingers to wipe off the moss then setting the bouquet down on the grass. He touched his lips, trying to remember the one who shared his first and only kiss. He felt the guilt rise, then his karmic debt making its appearance. He put a fist on his forehead as he groaned, and after a long time it finally settled down. What was so strange though is that the wind picked up as soon as the karmic debt made its presence be known, "Don't worry, I'll be fine..." he said this as if Venti was trying to comfort him at least he wanted to believe the wind was because of made him feel less alone. He got up, looking around at the tombstones and taking note of the mess it was in; he should probably hire someone to clean them after all he has the money to do so. Then he went down the rows looking for the tombstone of someone dear to Nahida, after all no one had visited him since she had passed. He found the tombstone he was looking for after tracing out many names to even be able to read some, "Wanderer" was who he was looking for.

"I may not have known you, but I hope you and Nahida are reunited again; she never stopped talking about you...Rest in peace."

Then he walked away, the crunching of leaves on the ground that he stepped on, making his way back to his car. He drove home, sitting on the couch as his karmic debt worsened, then he got a text from Albedo. Great. He forgot about this guy.

"Hey wanted to invite you to come with me and a few friends to the club, because well no offense but you seem like the standoffish type so you probably don't get out much."

I mean he wasn't really wrong about Xiao, he was standoffish and didn't like going out, but Xiao was in denial. He managed to read the text through his pain and responded, "I do in fact go out for your information, which is why I'll come...I guess. Just know that I rarely ever drink so I probably won't even end up taking more than a sip."

"Alright then, should I pick you up?"

He really didn't feel like driving so even though he didn't want to be picked up he decided it was the better option, "Fine." Then he sent his address to this guy he just met, but he was a skilled fighter so even if he got himself in trouble he could get himself out of it. When he answered the door after hearing the doorbell he saw Albedo and...a blue-haired man? He was pretty tall, six foot? No, slightly taller. He checked his pockets to make sure he had his phone and wallet, then went with the two.

"So, who are you?" He said it bluntly, unsure of the blue-haired man. He was sitting in the back seat alone, staring at the back of the blue-haired man's head.

Albedo chuckled, "oh, this is Kaeya, my boyfriend."

So albedo wasn't trying to ask him out when they exchanged numbers, just actually wanted a new friend? Hm.

"My, my, and I thought Albedo was short, but you are-"

"Don't even bother finishing that sentence."

"Feisty aren't ya?"

"You're getting on my nerves."

Then Albedo finally butt in, "Kaeya stop teasing him, we're all going to the club together to have fun not to make fun of each other."

After this the car ride was silent until they pulled into the club's parking lot and got out. They all took out their IDs as they got to the door, getting inside to the loud music and the crowd of people. Xiao looked around unamused and regretting his decisions, sitting at the bar area with Albedo and Kaeya. Albedo and Kaeya were being lovey dovey especially the more drinks they had, and so he was left sitting there until another person sat next to him with a few friends. He glanced over at these people but the one right next to him had front braids that had tips of teal and thin circle glasses of rose gold, he also realized he was wearing a loose sweater and Jean shorts. He heard him ordering a drink that actually was pretty strong alcohol wise, meanwhile he was drinking an alcoholic cider just because Kaeya bugged him to at least drink a little something. That's when the man got up to go to the bathroom, telling his friends to look after his drink; Something felt off though. He kept glancing over until he realized something was dropped in as his "friends" chuckled. He hated confrontation but this could seriously hurt the man who sat beside him, after all who knows what was slipped in there? The man came back a little while later and sat back down, grabbing his drink. Xiao looked over at the man and tapped him on the shoulder causing the man's attention to go to him...As well as his "friends'" attention.

He went over to his ear so he could hear him in the loud atmosphere, "I saw your friends slip something in your drink, you shouldn't drink it."

"Pshhh, yeah right! I'm sure you're just trying to hit up a cute guy like me!"


He put on a gloomy face and forced his eyes to water, "Y-You don't think I'm cute?"

Xiao's eyes widened thinking he truly did hurt this poor guy's feelings, "No, no! That's not what I meant."

Then the guy laughed, it was almost like he had heard it before...But then the guy began to sip his drink and Xiao knew he couldn't leave him alone with those "friends." The guy finished his drink and already seemed really out of it, so Xiao tried to keep up a conversation with him in order to keep him there and safe


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