Chapter 3

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"What's your nameeee" the man said as he slurred his words and was having a hard time even keeping his head up.

"Xiao, what about you cutie?" He really did not want to say that but it seemed to entertain the man as he giggled in response, grabbing onto Xiao's arm. Then the man looked at Xiao's "tattoo", "Ooooo~" and he began to trace it with his finger. Xiao glanced at the friends and noticed they were walking to the man, probably planning to take him home. Sure enough they grabbed the man by his arm to try and get him out of his seat but Xiao grabbed him as well.

"I saw what you did to his drink, I'm not letting you take him."

"Oh shut it pipsqueak, he's our friend. Cmon Venti, time to go."

Xiao's eyes widened at that name, surely it's just a coincidence. Right?

"I don't wannaaaa." He whined like a toddler not wanting to leave the toy aisle, clinging onto Xiao. This conversation grabbed Albedo and Kaeya's attention, but they were pretty wasted themselves.

Xiao stood up and forced the friend's hand off of Venti, "Go home."

That's when he was shoved into the back of the barstool he had been sitting in, wincing at the sharp pain. This is what really got people looking and the friends went to grab Venti again but Xiao pushed them back. "I told you to scram."

Then he felt a sharp pain in his side, the damn person punched him in the side which called for a direct punch into the person's face. With this punch the person realized how strong Xiao was even though he looked so weak, "Last warning, scram."

This time they followed the warning and hurried off as Xiao grabbed his side and sat down in the barstool in pain. He sat there for a while until the pain died down enough he could actually stand, he paid for the drink and picked up Venti.

"Albedo, Kaeya, get up, also give me the keys. I'm the only sober one here."

Albedo whined about giving up his keys but Xiao yanked them from his hand and set Venti in the passenger seat so Kaeya and Albedo could sit together in the back. He dropped Kaeya and Albedo off but since it wasn't his car he had to get an Uber home, taking Venti with him. He was kind of carrying Venti everywhere and got weird looks from anyone on the sidewalk and the Uber driver, after all Venti was limp and couldn't move; they used a date drug on him to make him vulnerable. They made it to his house and Xiao set Venti down on the bed in the spare room next to his own. Xiao got a glass of water and debated on changing Venti, I mean Venti didn't really know him but couldn't even change himself...Surely those shorts will be uncomfortable to sleep in, no? Modern fashion wasn't really meant for comfort, just to show off your "assets". He sighed, going to his room and grabbing a spare pair of shorts, trying his best look away while changing Venti who had blacked out. He folded Venti's shorts and set them on the nightstand along with his glasses. He couldn't stop thinking about the name, it was the one his lover had adopted when he was blending in...He grabbed Venti's hand, looking down at him as he slept. Was this a blessing? He couldn't tell. Was this what Barbatos looked like? He smiled as a tear escaped the corner of his eye, "Thank you Barbatos..." He let go of Venti's hand, heading to his own room. He found the flute and went onto his balcony, holding the flute up to the wind hearing its long note. He sat down on the chair he had on the balcony, soothing his karmic debt and pain...If only he could directly play it for him. He closed his eyes, the wind blowing his hair around as he took deep breaths. It was soothing, as if Barbatos was playing with his hair trying to style it once again. He gave a small smile as he thought back to that memory, now being able to fill in what Barbatos' hair looked like that is if it was just like Venti's. He ended up falling asleep on the balcony chair, and for once it wasn't a nightmare but a trip into his memories with Barbatos, his lover.


He ended up waking up a few hours later since it had gotten cold, so he went inside and took off his makeup as well as brushing his teeth to go to bed. He laid down to sleep until he woke up the next morning to his alarm, in fact he had completely forgotten Venti was even there so he did his routine and went down to the kitchen shirtless. He was making breakfast for himself meanwhile Venti woke up and was freaking out because he woke up in a random bed in a random room in a random house. He also noticed his shorts were changed for ones that were fairly loose on him, however he found his phone and the courage to leave the room. He peaked over the railing to see Xiao shirtless, scars covering his body and a faded 6-pack, and his hair still slightly damp. Venti started his way down the stairs, the creaking causing Xiao to look over and that's when he remembered he had brought Venti home.

"Crap." he whispered this under his breath. "I'm making breakfast, did you want any?"

"Um...I guess...Did-"

"No, I simply brought you here because of your so called friends being appalling. I'm sorry about the shock you must've had when you woke up, also for the fact that I don't have a shirt on."

He had a sigh of relief at the fact that they in fact didn't have sex, even though he would've been sore if they had. But then he realized his friends were insulted, "Wait! Why do you think they're so appalling!?"

"Well to put it plain and simple, they tried to use a date drug on you. That's why you're here and not wherever they would've taken you."

Xiao turned off the stove as he put the hash browns on each of their plates and some breakfast sausage as well.

"Did they really do that? I have a hard time believing it."

"Yeah. Look at my side, it's got a bruise from protecting you. You're welcome."

Venti looked at Xiao's side and sure enough a giant nasty bruise was there as a fist marking; he let himself get punched for Venti. Xiao set the plates on the table as Venti went behind and hugged him.

"Thank you...Sorry I got you hurt, but just when I thought I made good friends..." he sighed, going to sit down now. Xiao shook his head a bit as the hug made him space out, then he sat down next to Venti and began eating. He couldn't help looking over at Venti every once in a while, last night had felt like a dream but it really was him who he saved. Venti took note, looking over at him and their eyes met causing Xiao's eyes to dart away.

"Are you okay Xiao?"

"Yes. I just haven't had company in a while."

Lying through his teeth and Venti could tell but knew it wasn't his duty to pry into whatever Xiao had going on. He continued with his food, Xiao was actually a pretty good cook.


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