Endless Forgiving

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Hi my name is Coraline. I am 16 years old Soon i will be 17. In my family I've always been seen as the screw up. I have had a hard time, trying to be happy. My mom being an alcoholic dosen't help alot, You see my mom and my dad were mates! Yes, we are werewolf's. But when my dad past away My mom just wasn't her self anymore. She started drinking alot and everything got out of control. She started hitting me and making me do everything in the house, I did the cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping and well everything. If i didn't i would have to deal with the guy she would bring home since everyday it would be a different one. Yeah i went to school but school wasen't any better. I was the loner well at least that's how everybody saw me and i preferred it that way. My pack really didn't know what i was going threw at home but it really didn't matter since most of the people that bullied me in school were from the pack. They would call me fat, slut, ugly, bitch anything you could imagine. The alpha didn't know, if he did they would be in huge trouble since it was forbidden to Hurt your pack member. The alpha Kyle, He is one of my bullies  but only in-front of the guys(the other jocks) Yeah he is a Jock He plays football and is really good at it and is always with the schools biggest slut Aubrey. I usually ignore them but for some reason i get really sad when i see them practically eating each others faces when their making out. See us werewolf's have our first change when we are 15 and find our mates when we turn 17 and well everything changes In my point of view My mate will be my prince the one that will take me out of this hell hole I'm in. I turn 17 in two weeks and am super excited. When i get home from school i don't really have time for homework since i have to cook and clean before my mom gets home with her guest. I try to do it before she gets home so i don't really have to deal with her yelling and pushing me around. I try to do my best in school so I'm a solid B average and the teachers say I can do better but Its kinda hard when u don't have time to do anything at home.

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