Chapter 1

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I am not a morning person but when you have to cook for your mom or she would probably dislocate your Jaw you just have it in you to wake up. It was just seconds before my buzzer when off I glanced at my clock to see it is five thirty in the morning but i don't really know why I did since i wake up every single day at the same time.  I looked out the window and it was still dark. So i woke up lazily walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I went in the shower to feel the hot water pouring down my back it felt relaxing. when I was done I went to my closest and just picked out and Red T-shirt , Black skinny jeans and My Black Vans, I really couldn't Wear any other shoes since i have those since I got them my freshmen year. I glanced at myself in the mirror not really knowing why I wasen't really pretty I had Wavy Brown waist length hair, big  chocolate Brown eyes and am average weight but to the jocks I'm the fattest girl in school I guess they have a reason to have fun of me.

I quickly grabbed my bag and went downstairs to make my mom breakfast. I made bacon with scrambled eggs and cut some strawberries, I left it on top of the counter and left. I walk to school it's my only means of transportation. I was only three blocks away when i saw a car right next to me, when the window rolled down, shocking it was the one and only Kyle

" Hey Cor" he said. " Hi" I answered not really trying to make eye contact. " You want a ride" Kyle said " It's cool, I'm almost there" i said. I didn't really know what he was doing if anyone saw him he would have all the guys asking if i was trying to get with him or something stupid like that. He just said " Don't say I never tried to be nice to you" he said in innocent sexy tone. I really didn't even have time to answer because he just drove off.

Soon i came to a huge brick building SCHOOL. While i was walking in i could already hear people saying " Here come the slutty bitch" and " Omg why does she even come to school to torture us with her face" Ugh they are so mean. I was almost in tears when i bumped into something hard i almost fell over but it grabbed me before i fell.

When i looked up it was Nick one of the jocks that hanged out with Kyle, when he saw it was me he didn't hesitate to push me and tell me " watch where your going you Fat-Ass" I didn't know what to say I mean Nick was never mean to me he was the only guy that was nice to me. I ran away with hot tears streaming down my cheeks.Why did everybody have to be mean to me, I was nice to everyone that spoke to me even if you had been mean to me before i would never hold something against you. i was stupid and had a weak heart. I would forgive.

I ran to the girls bath room and cryed my eye balls out. i tried to clean my face before going to class but it was no use i was red and puffy, I hate people noticing that i had been crying or something. Walking to my locker the bell rang "Just Great" I murmured to myself, I'm going to be late.  I walked to my locker and grabbed my stuff for class. On my way to homeroom I passed the janitors closet to hear someone Moaning " Ahhhh that's it".... "Fuck me harder" Ewwwww i couldn't believe people do that in school its just nasty I ignored it and made my way to class.

When i went in my teacher Mr. Rogers looked at me and said" Nice of you to Join us Mrs.Williams" I just simply nodded and made my way to the only empty desk that of course had to be next to Kyle. I sat down ignoring the fact that all the jocks were sitting around me.

And heard Aubrey say " I'm sorry she has to sit by you Kyle" Kyle just laugh not interested in her comment i guess. The rest of the Day went by fast and i wasen't really excited to walk home but had to.

on my way home------

Some guys were drinking and joking around the alley had to go threw to get to my street Ugh just great. I tried to not make any noise but hell is with me all the time One of the guys turned and saw me and said" What is such a pretty girl like you walking around alone"

"Jus-just trying to get home" I said getting nervous  since this dude has not stop looking at My boobs.

"OH it's okey baby girl, we will take good care of you" That's when hell broke loose. "Ahhhh" I screamed this can't be happening to me well It can but NOOO... The guys were laughing as they started ripping my clothes  That's when i heard a loud bottle breaking and i was in alot of Paine.. darkness taking over me.! It felt like hours had gone by and it was nine at night already i woke up felling terrible And with my clothes all shattered I cant believe it. i stud up with the strength i had left and starting walking home.

When I got home My mom was already there probably waiting for me to get home so she could bet me up. I was about to unlock the door when the door swung open and mom was there staring at me with the most disappointed look and yelled.

"I give you a roof and you disrespect me like this" She grabbed me by my hair and started hitting me right there on my porch.

" You are not my daughter" " You are just a slut" ... she yelled with  no compassion How could she do this i had never spoken back to my mom. I'm terrified of her. shes just so intimidating.!!!

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