2 - The Fires of Hell

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As the party continued, everyone continued to socialize. God forbid they didn't. I knew my mother would go crazy. She had spent over 6 months planning the party.

But even with these people here, I felt like everything was still a little out of place. No one was drinking, the food was nowhere near being served anytime soon, and all everyone had to eat for now was hor' dourves.

All the attendees were mostly friends of my parents, my grandmother, uncle, aunts, and even some of the field workers in the agave fields here. And I had to admit everyone looked great, the suits, the dresses, the array of colors, black, white, green, blue. Everything on the spectrum. And yet the ones that kept drawing my attention were my aunts. Throughout the entire beginning of the party, they seemed to be doing nothing. They sat at the table farthest from the family table.

My aunt felt resentment when she realized my grandmother gave the tequilera to my father instead of the oldest child. I knew this moment was hard, but Dad said to move on. She never did.

I got up from my chair and walked over to the table where he and my aunts were sitting. I wasn't sure what I was going to get out of it, but I knew that I at least wanted her to enjoy the moment.

"Hey," I said hoping to open up a conversation.

"Hey darling, what can I do for you?" She painted on a smile well, one of my aunt's many talents. I was sure she would've made it big as an actress.

"Just checking in, I know it's still early, and the real party hasn't started, but wanted to see how you were all feeling."

"We're doing great sweetie." My aunt Clarissa responded.

"Well, why aren't you guys walking around, talking to people?"

"We're just a little tired, you know me and Miriam just got back from Mexico City, a lot of meetings."

"Yeah, I can imagine." I forced a giggle to lighten the moment. "What about you Aunt Valeria?"

"I'm just trying to keep these two company, don't wanna leave them alone 'cause you know how they get when the real party starts, wanna get a good start with them." She giggles telling me she did want to make this moment a little funner.

"Oh! Sweetie, by the way, can you tell your mother that a vase broke inside, we tried cleaning it, but we don't want her to wonder where it went." I cringed knowing that it had been me, my mother wasn't going to find out though, she would've killed me if I even alluded to it, so I decided to keep my mouth closed there.

"Yeah, of course, I'll make sure to let her know," I stood from the table and started to walk around talking to the other guests, the one thing my mother told me to do. I didn't like it because I didn't even know half of these people.

"Santi!" A man hollered walking over to me with a tequila glass in his hand. I just smiled and let him embrace me with a hard pat. "I haven't seen you in years, you've gotten so big." I had no idea who I was talking to, but I knew I had to play the part. All I could do was laugh along.

"Yeah, it's so nice to see you," I reciprocated the hug, and quickly made my getaway over towards the center table. It looked like people were finally starting to get into the party, starting to take champagne glasses, and even serving themselves tequila.

I made my way to the far end of the courtyard, hearing all the people, the music, the trumpets, guitars, and hearing glasses clink together all made me very anxious, I tried to avoid being around so many people at a time, I could feel my heart rate rising by the second.

I eventually made my way out briefly to get a quick breath. But while being out there I saw a black car arrive in the roundabout, parking right near the main road. Out stepped a nude heel, and a woman with a maroon wrap dress. As soon as I saw her light brown hair swooped to the side I knew who I was looking at.

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