Yes, Mr. Karlsson (Jolly x Reader x Folio x Ruffilo)

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The cool ocean air washes over your skin when you roll to your side. A ding from your computer alerts you of a new email. Even on your vacation work is never too far behind. Rubbing your tired eyes, you stretch your body long. The luxurious white duvet is warm against you beckoning you to remain, but duty calls. When you finally muster the willingness to open your eyes your vision is filled with white sands and aquamarine waters.

You grab your navy blue silk robe and wrap yourself in it as you approach your desk. You stifle a yawn as you open your email. A new client has inquired about your personal assistant ad. Your brows raise with curiosity as he makes some requests for your service, and mentions guidelines, attached recent health screenings, and payment. All of his requests follow within your perimeters for service, although his additional requirement at the end of his email has you chuckling to yourself. He has already sent his booking fee.

I accept your offer, Mr. Joakim Karlsson.

You stroll up to a fancy private beach house with your suitcase and carry-on bag. Mr. Karlsson has requested you stay one week to learn his routine. You tug at your grey pencil skirt and adjust your glasses.

Mr. Joakim Karlsson answers the door and intently looks you over. His face remains passive as he gestures into the house. He is dressed casually in a black button-down shirt, black skinny jeans, and house slippers.

"Please take your shoes off." Mr. Karlsson gestures to the shoe rack by the door. "I will have new clothes for you tomorrow." His accent strikes your curiosity. It's cold yet soft like freshly fallen snow. You begin to berate yourself as you take off your shoes.

"Let me show you to your room," Mr. Karlsson cuts through your spiraling thoughts.

The room you will be staying in is simple. The walls are a cool dusty green shade and the bedroom suite is crisp white. Sheer linen full-length curtains rustle in the breeze from the open sliding door. The balcony overlooks a breathtaking view of the ocean.

"Settle in and I'll show you the rest of the house."

You quickly unpack your suitcase, organize your en suite bathroom, and set your laptop up. You grab your notebook and pen and make your way downstairs. You find Mr. Karlsson in the kitchen fixing lunch.

"I don't expect you to cook for me as I enjoy cooking, but making my coffee and cocktails is incredibly important. I will be in my studio most of the day and unwinding at the poolside at night."

Mr. Karlsson shows you the coffee and cocktail bar. You quickly scribble down his coffee and cocktail order.

"When you serve me my coffee while I am in the studio set the mug on the floor and knock once." Your hand begins to cramp as your pen dances along the page.

"You must bow and say 'Your coffee sir' Do not look at me. If the beverage is poor I will hold the cup in my hand for you to take. If it is satisfactory I will drink it. If I request another drink I will hold up my index finger and if I don't want another I will cross my hands. Do you have any questions?"

"No, Mr. Karlsson." your voice falters slightly.

"Very well. I know this is a lot so please ask questions." Mr. Karlsson looks down at his watch. "I will send you my itinerary for the week and tasks to be completed. I would like my afternoon coffee in 1 hour, let's see how you do."

With that, Mr. Karlsson turns and walks away to his studio. Back in your room, you get straight to work making note of his itinerary and tasks. A knock on the door interrupts your frenzy. You shoot up from your chair and see Mr. Karlsson. He doesn't say a word, then you realize you missed his coffee. Shit. You open your mouth to apologize but his raised hand stops you. "I will let this slide, as you are still learning. Tomorrow will be different. Do you understand?"

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