Chapter Two

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It had now been six days since Sera had been at the Salvatore school, and four days since she had been reunited with Amelie, and the two were rarely found apart now, unless the younger girl was with Hope, since the two had hit it off almost immediately after Sera introduced them.

The two younger girls had teamed up to get Konner to the school without telling him about Sera, to surprise him, they were just waiting for him to get back from his little trip to meet with a coven that he thought could help wake Sera up.

Hope had spoken to her uncle Kol, who was Konner's twin, and explained that she needed her uncle Konner to call her as soon as he could and Kol had agreed to pass the message to his brother knowing that he would be the first to speak with him once he was back in signal range.

Now they were just waiting for him to call his niece back. Once he arrived was when Mel would make her presence at the school known to him.

Hopes phone rang and the tribrid grinned seeing Konner's name on the ID "Uncle Konner!"

"Hope! Kol said you urgently needed to speak to me about something."

"Yes, how did your meeting go first?"

The original sighed "it was a dead end, nothing they had was new information, so it's on to the next coven later."

Hope smirked "well how about you come and see me at school before you get your next meeting set up?"

The original knew that his niece was up to something but wasn't quite sure what it was, "okay sure I'll be there tomorrow."

"Okay see you then Uncle Konner." After they hung up the phone Hope grinned at Amelie, who was also grinning as she heard what he said.

"All right then 24 hours and then we've done it, reunited them."

"Yes!" Sera had chosen that moment to join the two.

"What are you two up to?"

"Nothing," they said at the same time making the older vampire laugh but not believe them but she knew they wouldn't tell her anyway so she didn't press it.

Hope smiled, "I was thinking about going to the Mystic Grill in town," she looked at Sera and Amelie, "do you guys wanna come with me?"

"Sure." Amelie agreed.

"Why not." Sera also agreed.

"Nice, I will just tell Dr, S that we're going and then we can leave." the two nodded and Hope left them for a few minutes before she returned, "All right we are all set to go."

Hope then brought them to the Mystic Grill, they grabbed a booth and a few minutes later a waitress came around and got their order after they ordered and the waitress had walked off, Hope looked at them, "So basically this is the main hangout in Mystic Falls and it has been for years according to Caroline who is Lizzie and Josies mom, she was born and raised here."

They made small talk while they waited for their food to arrive. Both Sera and Mel noticed as Hope's eyes trailed across the grill and she sighed as they landed on a boy with black hair and blue eyes. That was Grayson Stefan Salvatore the eldest child of Damon and Elena Salvatore, he was the older twin brother of Stefanie Miranda Salvatore and Hope had a slight crush on him though no one ever knew about it because she knew that Damon and Elena hated her dad.

Amelie looked at the tribrid, "soooo who is that?"


Sera smirked, "the boy that you're staring longingly at?"

"Oh that, was it that obvious?"

"Not necessarily I just recognized the look is all, and I'm guessing mom did too," Amelie said.

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