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5: True Night Festival

1 Month Later...

I was nervous. This festival held a lot of meaning for the wolves. The last thing I wanted to was to let them down.  I currently walked Matsumi. "Aren't you just excited for tonight, Minori ? Has anyone asked you ?"

Matsumi was a wonderful friend & roommate, but she was no fool. She claims to me a "Matchmaker" of sorts, & believes Euijoo would ask me to the festival. She is especially sure since I have become close with Euijoo as well as his club over the last month. "We aren't like that..."

She simply smiled nudging me. The festival was tonight. I doubt she knows what was actually the plan for tonight at all. "本当ですか、みのりちゃん?" (Are you sure about that, Minori-Chan ?) I ignored her as we passed Euijoo. I would be denying if I said I didn't have a small crush on Euijoo, but I don't expect him to feel the same. He may have forgiven me for the sins of Lord Ross, but could he like me in spite of that ?

The day went as usual, but everyone was absolutely excited about the festival. It wasn't long before I met up with Euijoo. The other wolves just hanging about the festival. "Are you ready ?", he asked as we walked around for a bit. Honestly, I was a bit nervous... What if I somehow messed everything up for them once again ? "Not at all. I am worried I will mess things up..."

Suddenly Euijoo grabbed my hands & looked me in the eyes, "何も心配することはありません。 誰も失望させたくないって 言えるよ、ミノリ。 私はあなたを信じます。" (You have nothing to worry about. I can tell you don't want to let any of us down, Minori. I trust you.) I blushed & removed my hands from his comforting ones. The moon was nearing its highest point in the sky. The wolves took their places on the hill not far from where I'd be singing.

I stood at that mic completely terrified all of this would lead to some chaos. I awkwardly smile before I took hold of the mic. My eyesight drifting over to the hill. Everyone was running around, but oddly I felt Euijoo was staring back at me. Then I began to sing...

Pretty soon everything got dark as the eclipse lasted for a few minutes. Howls erupted as the song ended as all of Jewel-Bridge was shrouded in complete darkness. I made it to the hill finding everyone howling in delight & they all seemed as happy as can be...

Euijoo pulled me to the side as his eyes settled on me, He possibly has the biggest smile on his face I've ever seen. "I can't thank you enough for what you've done Minori ! Thank you !", he said hugging me. I laughed as he spun me around. This was the most carefree wither of us have really been.

"礼を言う必要はないよ、ウィジュ·センパイ。 私はあなたの顔にもう一度笑顔を与えて嬉しいです。" (You don't have to thank me, Euijoo Senpai. I am glad to have brought a smile to your face once more.) 

I don't know what it was as the moonlight shined down on Jewel-Bridge or the simplistic happiness of the moment, but Euijoo left a small peck on my cheek as we overlooked our town from the hill point. A pack howl erupted to completely signify wolves were back & claiming this town home again.

I held Euijoo' hand, when I felt him give it a comforting squeeze. 

Under the lunar veil, love blossoms between two otherwise known as an incompatible match. Two hearts beat as one as howls fill the night air...

The END.


Under The Lunar Veil | &TEAM EJ FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now